
Night Jumps at Sussex above the NJ state fair

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hey all I am trying to get night jumps together for Skydive Sussex. It seems that we need at least 10 people and as of now I have like 4...

The jump would be occcuring close to the New Jersey STate fair so you will get to see all the crazy carnival lights kicking and lots of mullets

or at least get to see the perty lights

ANyway contact me here or by PM if you are interested


CSpenceFLY - I can't believe the number of people willing to bet their life on someone else doing the right thing.

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Everything is all set with the pilot and plane. We just need to get a few more people together!

Remember, in order to do night jumps you need to have jumped at least once in Sussex during the day, a B-license, and a strobe light visible for three miles. If you need a strobe light let us know so we can get some in. :)

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