
Skydive Umatilla, Florida 'SHUT DOWN"

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After being open for less than 1 week. I received a letter today from the city of Umatilla. It states "

Parachute/skydiving operations at the Umatilla Municipal Airport are to cease immediately until further notice"

The city manager has determined that since spectators can see the skydivers that we are now conducting "Demo jumps".

The city also has determined that the landing area for the DZ is too small. It neglected to say that it has been dumping dirt in the two DZ landing area's. Which is obviously an effort to eliminate the landing area's or to make them unsafe. They also want to eliminate what they call the noisy, naked drunk skydivers.

This is a Federally funded airport and as such CAN NOT discriminate against approved "Aeronautical Activity" such as skydiving. They are in violation of their "Grant Assurances" to the government which they signed when the took nearly 2 million dollars in federal funding.

This is just one of the early rounds in what will apparently become a long battle similar to the one in Paris, TN.
Capt. Frank

737 Captain, US ATP, Japanese ATPL, Flt. Engineer, POPS-9846, US Navy Retired - Submarine Veteran.

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Damn... Wish you guys luck... hope you have deep pockets. This has happened from time to time for the last 30 or so years. Will USPA step in with their 2 cents?
"Mediocre people don't like high achievers, and high achievers don't like mediocre people." - SIX TIME National Champion coach Nick Saban

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Unfortunately we are seeing more and more of this.Obviously the system is not working because by the time the FAA makes a decision any normally funded DZ is out of business.Good luck.You might check in with Paris,Tn.I hear their attorney has some experience in theses matters.


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Also check with Mike Igo at Gold Coast Skydivers... The airport authority at Trent Lott had given him fits lately, then he moved to a farm up the road...
"Mediocre people don't like high achievers, and high achievers don't like mediocre people." - SIX TIME National Champion coach Nick Saban

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Well clearly your DZ does not meet the definition of Demo jumps. Clearly they are in violation of their grant assurances to ask you to leave without a better explanation. They may be on firm ground if the naked drunk skydiver issue can be proven, that would constitute a nuisance activity. For the purpose of this post I will assume the naked, drunk part is in the same category as demo jumps.

They are saying you must cease operations. Do you really have to do that ?? Consider getting advice at USPA and perhaps force them to evict you. What is their legal basis for eviction? Is the dumped dirt harrassment? How much financial loss will you sustain if they illegally evict you? Consider making them pay your losses while closed, if evicted. It is possible you may not have to close and they may not have the stomach for the fight if you present cases for them to see that they will lose in the end. Of course if the naked, drunk skydiver part is real, you have an uphill battle.


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There is not now or has there ever been any naked skydiving at this DZ. There was a nudity incident at a nearby airport involving skydivers. Somehow over the years the story migrated to my DZ in Umatilla.

Yes we must cease jumping. The FAR's are clear that you cannot jump without the airport managers permission.

I feel the dumped dirt is an effort to eliminate the two landing area's. Proving it might be tough.

We are a small club with low overhead. So my financial loss now is small. It will be hard to estimate future losses based on only jumping for one weekend.

USPA has allready been of great assistance. I can't say enough about them jumping right in to help.

Luckily for them my attorney is out of town. He is going to have a field day when he returns next week. He is also a very experienced skydiver and a lawyer on a mission.
Capt. Frank

737 Captain, US ATP, Japanese ATPL, Flt. Engineer, POPS-9846, US Navy Retired - Submarine Veteran.

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Yes we must cease jumping. The FAR's are clear that you cannot jump without the airport managers permission.


Yep, there it is 105.23, pasted below. If you could finish this out winning big damages, lots of problems that might follow this at other airports would go away. It's great that you have a skydiving lawyer. Give 'em hell !!!

Sec. 105.23

Parachute operations over or onto airports.

No person may conduct a parachute operation, and no pilot in command of an aircraft may allow a parachute operation to be conducted from that aircraft, over or onto any airport unless--

snip ......snip.......snip......

(b) For airports without an operating control tower, prior approval has been obtained from the management of the airport to conduct parachute operations over or on that airport.

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Latest news (24 Oct 06).

I just got home from my first vacation in 5 years. Got a chance to jump in Oberhausen, Germany. Will update with the latest info in a day or two. Calling the Feds, city of Umatilla and the USPA today for updates.
Capt. Frank

737 Captain, US ATP, Japanese ATPL, Flt. Engineer, POPS-9846, US Navy Retired - Submarine Veteran.

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