
missleading websites....

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Hello to all members of Dropzone.com.

I was wondering if anyone else has had any bad experiences with Dropzones that advertise alot more than what they can provide?

My friends and I have recently returned from a unamed dropzone in Spain, near Madrid, with a name that starts with a L and ends in a illo.;)
The trip has to be one of the most dissapointing skydiving excursions I've had the missfortune to have been involved in! Without going off on one, I urge people to read some of the most recent reviews of Lillo to give you an example.

All of the problems at the DZ are not covered on their website, giving the impresion of a fully operational, all singing and dancing dropzone for the serious skydiver?! What a joke!

Anyone else had similar probs?
Champange for my friends! Pain for my Cham friends!

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The same applies to the one DZ in United Arab Emirates - the facilities per the website (and annoyingly, as described on the phone) were not correct in repect of the aircraft that they had operational when I visited a year or so ago (one cessna that would only take pilot plus 3 passengers)

I'm NOT totally useless... I can be used as a bad example

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All I can say is that personally I have never had any problems with Lillo myself.

I have been there quite a few times starting from 3 years ago as a fun jumper, last year team training and this year coaching.

I have never been treat badly or ever had any problems with their operation. Yes fair enough, at the moment, they have no bar and the toilets are a mess...but they are very quickly turning everything around.

After last summer they started to go through a bad patch and are starting to bring everything back together again. They have some great staff working for them from the office staff to the instructors and coaches. They have always helped me out when I needed it, they have a wealth of experience and knowledge at hand and their slick organisation and full time aircraft has meant ive always been able to get the jumps in I want without any problems.

Its true that some websites can be misleading and not tell you exactly the true story to get what they want from you...but you also have to remember that the same can be said about posts made on this and any other forum on the internet.

From reading the reviews and also meeting some of these people I can say that I think they had a not so good trip from the beginning. They originally planned to goto Ocana (15-20mins away from lillo) but this dz had problems with aircraft (this dz may have been better suited to their non-jumping partners) so they, the rest of Ocana's jumpers and a very busy aff school had to goto Lillo at short notice.
I dont think Lillo were prepared for this and the office staff/instructors and packers were extremely busy trying to register other aff instructors, fun jumpers and a large amount of students in just a short amount of tiem...considering this I think they handled it extremely well and in my opinion this is not the normal standard of lillos operation. It has always been fast, efficient and friendly.

Take from that what you will, its just my opinion...you can say i might be biased or a fake username or whatever but that is my true opinion.

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What's that smell? And why isn't there a Troll-Only forum where they can anonymously troll each other all day with posts such as "OMG, Argus had a misfire," or "Da'Kine rags stole my money," and "I have 50 jumps and am flying a velocity."

Oh wait, that almost sounds like Speakers Corner....

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