
SkyFest 7: July 11th to 16th 2007 @ SD Spaceland!

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Hey J...is there a sign up going for the heli jumps yet?

Yes there is... not sure what day it wi ll be here.
The Champ jumps will be $35.00.

No Balloon because the vehicle would not be able to retreive it from the field after landing.

The wether is perfect again!!

Adam from Pony Printing donated a Hawaiian Dinner, to be served at 8:oo p,

Come on out!!


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How much are jump tickets for the regular aircraft? How about the specialty aircraft? Same prices for cash or CC?

23 for regular AC, $46 for AN2, not sure on the Heli yet.
Steve has that info.

Well, the boogie is here. Steve needs to post it online so we can plan our finances, or plan our jumps to fit our means.

Boogie fee is $40 on Saturday, or $15 on Sunday. There is no one-day fee for Saturday only.

So for me to come down Saturday just to jump the Antonov-2 is going to cost me $86. Blech!

I hear what you are saying, SF does not control the jump prices (although I did get the AN2 jumps $22.oo cheaper than WFFC). I agree the ticket price change could have been announced. I do know $20. is dirt cheap around the country. $22 is average. I know I dont hve to remind everyone the benefits of an event like this and the amount of work put into it. And its still a good value for the money.

Please both of you come see me when you get here and say hello.

We do appreciate your support, and will do what every we can do make your stay worth while.


The event does start on Wed. and we had a great day!

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***You know I gave you an experience you will never forget. Who else there donated the entire ceremony to just one person like I did with you? Have fun and be safe down there.


I absolutely won't forget it. I hated beer before that and I hate it even more now!:P I don't think I've ever been that bone-chilling cold in the middle of July!

Wish you were coming:(

Mrs. WaltAppel

All things work together for good to them that love God...Romans 8:28

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J...thanks my main man...you outdid yourself this year. What a great show.

Special thanks to Adam and Printing Pony for the free meal.

And...a special, special thanks to Bigun and Hoyt for all that time and effort spent with the youngsters for the SCR/SCS awards.

Congrats to the Flockers on the new Texas record, too!
My reality and yours are quite different.
I think we're all Bozos on this bus.
Falcon5232, SCS8170, SCSA353, POPS9398, DS239

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Thanks to everyone. I had a blast. My first year at Skyfest was not notable, as I was too scared to jump. Last year I suffered that nasty crawfish attack:P and couldn't attend..

Great stuff. Loved the pink patch, the record attempt and flying with all these neat new folks like Big Un. No need to ask why he has THAT nickname. All ya'll get a "Scary Patch" when I get them made. God bless your brave souls. :D I really enjoyed playing with you.

Kirsten Johnson...you freakin' rawk. Great work on the patchy dives loved it. Bet Larry still has handprints on his ass.

Tom J. Thanks for organizing with Record Attempt. We woulda had it but the sun was in our eyes.

Steve - you know Spaceland is always a class act and we are all grateful.

Hope to see you all soon.


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What a great trip. I could not have asked for better hospitality from all of my friends there. Thanks particularly to Cyndi and Cory for putting all of us up in your tremendous house on Tuesday. Thanks to Clint for offering up the perfect place to stay at the boogie. Thanks to Jello J for many laughs. Thanks to all the other participants in the setting of the Texas State Record 22-way Flock. Thanks to everyone else who showed up. No thanks at all to mother nature for unleashing Noah's Flood on us late Saturday night/Sunday morning. The water was over ankle deep outside our camper Sunday morning!

memorable quotes and memories:

"The eagle has landed!"
"Dude, Bigun is asleep on the couch again"
-our friend "Tom McGowan" running into the camper, drop his pants and yell "I need some help here!" after being eaten alive by fire ants in the parking lot (after getting his car stuck in the mud)


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Some give us some numbers Jay. I hear it went pretty well but have been out of the loop for a week.

305 Reg, making just over 3000 jumps.
The way we started: 63 by Wed, 150 by Thurs. nite and 200 by 10:00 am Friday morning, really thought we would have hit 400.
I have to be grateful that we stayed the same as last year.
18 mfrs. showed up
Folks from 11 countries were there. That was nice.

I made o jumps!! First tme ever I have not jumped at the event, I never expect to get to jump much but this nuts.

Many thanks to all for supporting SF.

I am in Muskogee Ok., just finished a meeting with the FBO, Chamber of Commerce, Public Works, and Economic Development discussing SkyFest!

This place is huge!
7200' runway, pea pit, 1500 acres of outs!
Hotel retail price of $50.00, Casino, Vixens Gentlemans club, liquor store and more, all with in 5 miles of DZ.
They are restoring the restaurant and bar.
Women and Mens showers
Willing to look at RV hook ups (have to locate the old lines) from 20 years ago when USPA Nationals were there. They said sewage would be no big deal.

They want us there and are willing to make it happen. So....
Whats next?;););)

The aerial shot is only part of the 1500 acres

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That's correct, John. OKLAHOMA here we come!

Cool! Looks like a great place, with a lot of skydiving history.

Not having a DZO charging $3 over their regular price for jumps, i.e. $23 vs. their normal $20 will be nice, too. Claim I heard was for the aircraft ferry fee, etc. C'mon only one plane was ferried any great distance - SDAZ's Skyvan, and it may have been on the way to/from someplace else anyway. The others were in-state. Doesn't the boogie fee typically go towards to ferry fees anyway?

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J - I need to get the pics I took to either you or Stan.

I need contact info - PM me, please.

As for Muskogee,

Where are they going to put the swoop ditch?:)

I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun

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That's correct, John. OKLAHOMA here we come!

Cool! Looks like a great place, with a lot of skydiving history.

Not having a DZO charging $3 over their regular price for jumps, i.e. $23 vs. their normal $20 will be nice, too. Claim I heard was for the aircraft ferry fee, etc. C'mon only one plane was ferried any great distance - SDAZ's Skyvan, and it may have been on the way to/from someplace else anyway. The others were in-state. Doesn't the boogie fee typically go towards to ferry fees anyway?

This just makes me laugh. Wait and see what the jump tickets cost when they are trying to cover ferry fees for every aircraft, use of land/runway, any facilites that need to be paid for, etc.

Seems to me, $23 is pretty near the industry average right now. And there were significant expenses to support skyfest, not just ferry fees. And you're complaining about paying industry average?? My guess is you'll be paying more than that at Skyfest next year.

BTW, what do you think it costs to ferry 1 Skyvan from Arizona to Texas? My guess is you don't have any clue. How about an otter from Dallas? What about portable facilities rental costs? What about increased staff wages to prepare for and during the event?

Before you trash a DZO for charging you the industry average, I suggest you actually know what you're talking about.[:/]

If you wait 'til the last minute, it'll only take a minute.

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I agree with you totally. If everyone will notice after running events for 4 yrs I have not moved into a big new house or bought that H2 Hummer I have always wanted. People have no clue what it costs to do an event like Skyfest or Dublin. They just do the math of X number of dollars collected for registration and X number of jumps made and figure the organizer made a killing.

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That's correct, John. OKLAHOMA here we come!

Cool! Looks like a great place, with a lot of skydiving history.

Not having a DZO charging $3 over their regular price for jumps, i.e. $23 vs. their normal $20 will be nice, too. Claim I heard was for the aircraft ferry fee, etc. C'mon only one plane was ferried any great distance - SDAZ's Skyvan, and it may have been on the way to/from someplace else anyway. The others were in-state. Doesn't the boogie fee typically go towards to ferry fees anyway?

This just makes me laugh. Wait and see what the jump tickets cost when they are trying to cover ferry fees for every aircraft, use of land/runway, any facilites that need to be paid for, etc.

Seems to me, $23 is pretty near the industry average right now. And there were significant expenses to support skyfest, not just ferry fees. And you're complaining about paying industry average?? My guess is you'll be paying more than that at Skyfest next year.

BTW, what do you think it costs to ferry 1 Skyvan from Arizona to Texas? My guess is you don't have any clue. How about an otter from Dallas? What about portable facilities rental costs? What about increased staff wages to prepare for and during the event?

Before you trash a DZO for charging you the industry average, I suggest you actually know what you're talking about.[:/]

I'm certainly ok with helping to cover costs. Yes, $23 is around the going rate. What seems a bit unreasonable is for a DZ to raise jump prices like this for a boogie. However, if the money is going to a good cause, that's a different story. Guess I'm just comparing things to other large boogies, where the jump price isn't raised just for the event. If fact, it's sometimes lower. You pay a separate fee to cover associated expenses, which I'm fine with. Based on conversations with several people at SkyFest it sounds like the increasing costs at the incumbent venue is part of the reason the event is being moved. I look forward to a new venue.

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It sounds to me like you've heard one side of the story. Believe me when I say that Spaceland does everything it can to keep jump rates reasonable for everybody all the time. It takes a lot of time, money, and resources to host an event like Skyfest. Keep in mind that a good chunk of any proceeds go to the Scholarship fund. I don't know of another major boogie where this is the case. I've mentioned a few additional costs, but that's certainly not all-encompassing. The DZO is not just getting $3 more simply because he can.

There were two very different and distinct interests involved in putting on Skyfest, Skyfest Staff and Skydive Spaceland. That makes it very difficult to coordinate a major event such as Skyfest. And still it turns out to be a great event every year. Kudos to Spaceland and Skyfest for figuring out how to make it work. But if you're hearing grumblings about one side or the other, trust me, there's always another side to the story. Making allegations without knowing who paid for what is not cool.

I hope people remember what Skyfest is about. It's not about getting super cheap jumps. It's about supporting the new generation of skydivers and a lot of money and effort from EVERYBODY goes into that. There's not another boogie that does that, so don't compare apples to oranges.

I really hope we don't get to mud-slinging about a new location. Skyfest is a great organization and boogie. Spaceland is a great DZ. If Skyfest isn't at Spaceland next year, it doesn't change these. Maybe BOTH organizations have reasons for Skyfest to change locations?? HHmmm.

If you wait 'til the last minute, it'll only take a minute.

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Based on conversations with several people at SkyFest it sounds like the increasing costs at the incumbent venue is part of the reason the event is being moved. I look forward to a new venue.

First I want to wish Skyfest well in their independent boogie next year. As Nathan said there are a lot of costs that skydivers who don't organize boogies never even think of until the bills come due. Spence knows and tried to tell you that.

In order to break even, Skyfest had to have around 350 registrations which it did not have. The registration fee had to cover the fixed costs in the event of a rainout. These fixed costs included tent rentals, porta potties, the Skyvan ferry fees (which are substantial), and a portion of the Skyfest contribution.

In addition there were the other direct boogie costs that inculded the guaranteed Skyfest contributions that were to be paid, organizer slots that had to be covered, aircraft slots to be paid to the plane owners, fuel costs, beer kegs, advertising in Parachutist, extra supplies for waivers, hotel and car costs for the out-of-town pilots, etc.

On top of all this are the indirect costs such as extra staffing hours, extra electric for water pumps and lights, credit card fees, bad checks returned after the event, the wear and tear on the facility itself, and all the clean-up after the event was over.

And then there are the headaches during the boogie of jumpers landing off and not being found, security issues at night, drunks harrassing the police, missing gear, etc.

Most of the bitching before and during Skyfest was done by one of the organizers who doesn't have a clue as to the actual costs.

I hope everyone pitches in and volunteers to help him next year because he will need it to pull off a successful event. Remember a successful event does not necessarily mean a profitable event. We were proud of our budgeting when we could breakeven on Skyfest the last 3 years.

At least our jumpers had a good time and the foundation raised money.

By the way, the Skyvan flew directly to Spaceland and returned directly to Eloy. We would have been glad to share the roundtrip ferry cost with another dz.

Blue skies,


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I humbly thank everyone for enlightening me. Guess I heard things one-sided. But, it was from numerous people. Again, I understand there are substantial costs to putting something like this on. However, the higher jump prices seemed odd, since I haven't seen that with other boogies. But, I guess every event's cost structure is different.

I had a great time there, anyway. The AN-2 was especially a lot of fun.

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