
Lake Jump - Mankato, MN

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We just can't get enough of jumping in the cold!!

The Minesota Skydivers Club will be hosting a lake jump Febrary 10th/11th at Lake Washington in Mankato, MN. No worries, the lake will be plenty frozen for a landing area!

We will be flying out of Mankato Regional Airport and landing over the lake, with shuttle service provided to and from the airport. A heated hanger will also be availble for packing. Max alititude will be 8K so that we have the ability to keep turning loads. Cost is $8 plus $1 per 1000 feet.

Parking/shuttle available at:
Westwood Marina Bar & Grill
1400 Lake Washington Rd
Kasota, MN 56050
(Party at Marina to follow jumping)

Jumping starts at 9am! Hope to see all the Minnesota/Wisconsin jumpers as well as anyone else who wants to join us crazy northerners!!

Send PM or email emundinger@gmail.com with any questions.

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Hey Erika!!

Todd and I talked about going. We'll discuss more this weekend and let you know for sure next week! Hopefully the 8 degrees F ground temps we jumped in this weekend isn't a "warm up" for colder weather in the coming weeks!

We should try to get Merriah and Kenzie to come and we can do an all PMS four way!!


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Here is a list of hotels closest to Lake Washington (all within 10 miles).

In Mankato:
1. Country Inn and Suites (507)-388-8555 or 888-201-1746
2. Fairfield Inn (507) 386-1220

In North Mankato:
1. Microtel Inn and Suites (507) 388-2818

In St. James:
1. Viking Jr Motel (507)931-3081
2. St. Peter Motel (507)931-3100

I think there is a fair number of people willing to split rooms for Saturday night so you can send me a PM if you are looking for people to share costs.

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UPDATE: I've received a few PM's and just want to let everyone know that we are still planning to jump. Cold means NUTHIN to us! We were going to be packing in a heated hanger, but the airport manager has been kind enough to let us pack right in the terminal. Hope to see you there!

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