
UK Boogie???

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I'd like to plan a trip to the UK (London Area) late this summer, are there any boogies that I should consider planning my vacation around?

I pretty much just plan on going there to Skydive, so any suggestions/recommendations are welcome. :)
What goes up, must come DOWN!!!

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Boogie II at Langar, British Parachute schools near Nottingham would be worth a visit.
Its 9-16 September and usually has a skyvan, 2 caravans and a beech 99.

Great...Three craft I've never jumped, can we say beer :P
What goes up, must come DOWN!!!

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Yes, exactly Langar Boogie 2, superb place, superb people, read the reviews in dropzone.com.

The top jumpship of the earth beech99 (15,000ft+ in 10 min with 19 skydivers on board) and his crazy pilot will be there:


Good luck..

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Zeppo - between you and me mate!!!;)
The rest of the pic that Pincheck is talking about is at http://www.ukskydiver.co.uk/phpBB2/album_page.php?pic_id=290
There'll also be talk about the Langar boogie on there nearer the time - try the Langar board. But come and say hi anyway! Then you'll have loads of friends by the time you get here...B|
Fi x

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Zeppo - between you and me mate!!!
The rest of the pic that Pincheck is talking about is at http://www.ukskydiver.co.uk/..._page.php?pic_id=290
There'll also be talk about the Langar boogie on there nearer the time - try the Langar board. But come and say hi anyway! Then you'll have loads of friends by the time you get here...
Fi x

ahem...I may just have to sprain my ankle and spend all day at the bar :ph34r:;)
What goes up, must come DOWN!!!

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