
Canopy size, best person to ask.

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There is a lot of posts from people asking "What size canopy is too small for me" and similar question's. Here is my Opinion but it does have some background to it, as I also downsized rapidly and payed dearly for it with this permanent limp and knee problems I have.
The best person you can ask if your downsizing too fast is yourself. If you have to ask someone else, then you dont need to be downsizing. Any doubts you have about your ability and knowledge, are there, because your subconscious is telling you something. Im not doubting that most of you cant get good landing's under your canopy, but things change a lot and nothing helps you out in a pinch more than experience.

Ok here is another option if my first one isnt good enough.

The best person to listen to about if you should downsize is your peer's. I dont mean your close friend's at the dz, I mean the people you respect and look up to (Might also be a friend) the people with experience. I know I have learned a lot in the 5 years I have been jumping and have changed my way of thinking 100% just based on what I have seen and done. Most of the time when I hear people say "He is downsizing too fast and is too hungry, he's going to hurt himself" This ends up true. I was one of them. but after my accident I had a new respect for the ground and took my time and learned very slowly, what I already knew how to do perfectly when I biffed in.
Just saying if the people around you are saying something its not to hold you back, or make you feel stupid, its probably because they are tired of watching people hurt themselves under perfectly good canopies, and want you to be safe. I wish I had taken a year or two to learn how to swoop right rather than spend the next two years regretting I hadn't.

Small and fast what every girl dreams of!

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I stole this from one of Mr.Vons posts from the other day. It fits very well here.

Can you land in a 10 meter circle reliably? Turn 45 degrees in the flare? Flat turn 90 degrees at 50 feet and land safely? Land with rear risers? Land in no wind, crosswind, downwind? Land on slight uphills and downhills?


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