
Packing in Europe

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So I am thinking about not completing summerschool in the States, but rather finding a job as a packer for the summer again, this time somewhere in Europe.

Where would be the BEST dropzone to do this?

I would also like to use my summer to either:
Further my French, Learn Spanish or German, or learn/perfect my dutch.

So where and who should I speak to?

As jy dom is moet jy bloei!

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empuriabravia? AFAIK one of the largest all-year-round DZ's..

Have definitely thought about getting down there.

As per a suggestion I received, here is what I am looking for:

1. A professional, popular DZ with a good variety of interesting people and skilled skydivers. I would very much like to LEARN new things whilst packing, whether that be in terms of rigging or skydiving,
2. I would like to learn/practice either German, Spanish or French. Perhaps, but not so keen on Dutch.
3. A good amount of packing to be done, that will allow me to survive, and hopefully skydive as much as possible around my packing. I would like to pick up experience.
4. Lastly, a good atmosphere and nightlife, good surrounds that will allow me to travel just a bit. A beach like empuriabrava's would be tops.

Is that too much to ask?!:)

As jy dom is moet jy bloei!

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