
How long would you stay - New Vid

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I probably would've done exactly as you did.

You found yourself in a spinning mal, and got out of the spins in 4 seconds. Awesome. You then found a line over and spent 10 seconds trying to clear it, before you took 6 seconds to open your reserve.

It seems to me that once you were out of the spins, you had a relatively slow speed malfunction, and spending 10 seconds trying to fix it is entirely reasonable.

That's just my opinion, though.


You put the fun in "funnel" - craichead.

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Very Impressive.

I have the feeling I would do what you did. What I'm impressed by, is the fact you tried to clear the line over. Nice work. It appeared to have a fair amount of stability coming out of the line twists. That leads me to believe i'd clear the toggles like you did.

What altitude did you find yourself flying under your resererve?
My grammar sometimes resembles that of magnetic refrigerator poetry... Ghetto

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I think you did just right.
The twists seemed to untwist themeslevs and didn't really dive. So it was pretty slow to start with. There was some progression with the line over, so it was a good idea, (since u had alt) to me to work with it for a sec. but then when it was clear it was a no go........
C' YA!!!

Well played. Reading the posts while Downloading I was thinking that 15 seconds was way too long (plus i don't like forcing things low with a camera on), but it seemed pretty slow speed, and you didn't dick with anything too long.

well played


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I've just watched the vid a couple of times - looked a fun one. Any idea what caused it - was it just sloppy packing?
I agree with what someone else said, the twists seemed to sort themselves out. It's hard to get a feeling for speed from the video but it did look slow speed. I reckon once I'd seen the line over I would have chopped straight away but that's because I'm a coward!!
Nice job though.
Once I figure out how to I'll post video of my mal in Empuria last week - spectre 135 got a couple of twists and started to dive. My rule with twists is if it's not on heading and stable it's gone (like I said, I'm a total coward). ;)

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I would have given up after the line twists were cleared. Lets say that the line over could have been cleared eventually, it would have looked like a ball of crap to my eyes (even if it had not been.) I would have decided to cutaway around the 5 second mark; I don't know how long after deciding it would take me to pull red however.

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