
GA... are you ready to invade SDLI?!?

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We're still waiting for winter to be over in Georgia before we think about going north!

I've got this on my calendar but I can't commit to anything right now due to my grandmother's health. I may be spending a lot of time in Texas in the near future. [:/]

If you come up I'll give you a massage
Divot your source for all things Hillbilly.
Anvil Brother 84
SCR 14192

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Hmmm.. I'll put that on the "PRO's" side of the list.. :)

How about all the free beer you can grab out of the cooler

I liked your first offer better.. :P

It's still on the table
Divot your source for all things Hillbilly.
Anvil Brother 84
SCR 14192

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I'll be there.

JesSke (SDA)
k_marr08 (SDLI)
Mostly_Harmless (SDLI)
Nickkk (all over tri state area)
agent_lead (all over tri state area)
Tmaricle55 (STF)
Icon134 (wherever you're from...)
sslinn (SB..ontario)
ozzy13 ( SDLI)
Michelle (SDLI)
Eddy (SDLI)
Big John (SDLI)
Little John (SDLI)
Kyle (SDLI)
A Train (SDLI)
Lexi Luv (Lake Wales)
Broke (SDLI)
bisqit999 (SDLI)

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Okay, so nothing else has been mentioned since the Halloween boogie; and I've kept in contact w/ a couple of the regular jumpers @ SDLI-and they're ready for us!

I've contacted Ray, the DZO... I'm waiting to hear back w/ hotel suggesstions and basic info of such... I'm going to take the initiative and start organizing this one.

Mid June anyone? They are open 7 days a week, starting mid-may weather permitting. Operating a Caravan. I'm thinking we should include the weekend of the 15th-17th, add a couple of days to your liking. So, let's start the list...


no one ever said all the dates just the weekend that it should include
Divot your source for all things Hillbilly.
Anvil Brother 84
SCR 14192

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either this weekend, (15-17) or the one after?!? Someone help decide...

I know that it's Woody, Jerrald and lil Jessie's birthdays that weekend, so I believe they want to go BIG at SDA instead of SDLI- so maybe the next weekend would be better?
"I hear and forget. I see and remember. I do and understand" --Confucious

#1586 Abollada Rodriguez;Team Licious c/o Lauralicious: JesSkeLicious:P

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either this weekend, (15-17) or the one after?!? Someone help decide...

I know that it's Woody, Jerrald and lil Jessie's birthdays that weekend, so I believe they want to go BIG at SDA instead of SDLI- so maybe the next weekend would be better?

I know I'm probably not available the following weekend (there's an NSL meet that weekend her in Ohio...)
Livin' on the Edge... sleeping with my rigger's wife...

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us long islanders aren't going anywhere -- you georgians figure out when you feel like wreaking havoc, and we'll accomodate :)

well don't quote me, but it looks like I might invade you guys, by myself, the weekend of july 4th. I'll definitely let someone know.

Looks like june is out of the question for me though.
oh and on a different note, anyone got suggestions on how to get to syracuse from nyc cheaply?? I think renting a car might be the easiest, just curious.
Skymama's #2 stalker -

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