
Leap For Lupus 2007

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I'd like to invite you all out to our Leap for Lupus boogie this year. Held at Kapowsin Air Sports in Beautiful Shelton Washington, on August 17th, 18th, 19th and 20th. We will have Roger Ponce out to help us with our Northwest Record skydive on the 20th. If you haven't been to Kapowsin recently you are missing out! That place rocks! Everything is big beautiful and new!

This is for a great cause! 100% of our proceeds will go towards Lupus medical research. It should be tons of fun! Something for everyone including non-jumpers! Help us get the word out. We are looking for more sponsors! If you know any or are one please contact me. There are sponsor forms on our web site to download as well as fliers. Come join us and be a part of this amazing event!

For more information contact me:

Or visit our web site at:

I hope to see every one of you there!

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Working.. BUT.. after July thingfs should let up...Number 1 rolls out on July 8th..till then...arrrrgggghhhh70+ hours a week.

PL:US I need to find a place to stay down there.. ifI go to Shelton there is no way I am driving home the same day 3.5 hours to get there from here.

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Working.. BUT.. after July thingfs should let up...Number 1 rolls out on July 8th..till then...arrrrgggghhhh70+ hours a week.

PL:US I need to find a place to stay down there.. ifI go to Shelton there is no way I am driving home the same day 3.5 hours to get there from here.

Yes, I can understand that. I'll keep you posted as we get all of the accommodations arranged and worked out. Are you wanting a hotel/motel or camping? It's all doable.

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We've been practicing big ways! Where have you been? ;)

I found out about the Monday practice Monday morning. Talk about short notice :S Maybe Keri will let us know with a little more lead time on the formation loads a few days for comming out to play

"He who Hesitates Shall Inherit the Earth!"

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Doc and I will do our best to be there....will have to check the work schedule first of course>:(>:(>:(. But I will definitely get back to ya!:P

DPH # 2
"I am not sure what you are suppose to do with that, but I don't think it is suppose to flop around like that." ~Skootz~
I have a strong regard for the rules.......doc!

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We've been practicing big ways! Where have you been? ;)

I found out about the Monday practice Monday morning. Talk about short notice :S Maybe Keri will let us know with a little more lead time on the formation loads a few days for comming out to play


Sorry about that Scott! I didn't hear about it until the evening before either. It really was a spur of the moment thing. It would have been fun to have you there! Next time! ;)

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Doc and I will do our best to be there....will have to check the work schedule first of course>:(>:(>:(. But I will definitely get back to ya!:P

hey C! Try and make it before the event as well! We need to get some practice jumping in the two of us before that! ;)

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hey C! Try and make it before the event as well! We need to get some practice jumping in the two of us before that!

You two can jump with me.. that should be good practice......oh and she needs her PMS Number.. so that would be a good excuse too.

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hey C! Try and make it before the event as well! We need to get some practice jumping in the two of us before that!

You two can jump with me.. that should be good practice......oh and she needs her PMS Number.. so that would be a good excuse too.

Just gotta see if I am working or not..... schedule should be posted soon. If V comes to prairie we could always start there;)
DPH # 2
"I am not sure what you are suppose to do with that, but I don't think it is suppose to flop around like that." ~Skootz~
I have a strong regard for the rules.......doc!

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If V comes to prairie we could always start there

Now there is a good idea....;)
Come on John.. bring the family... I can ALWAYS use a packer and your kid does a pretty good job:D

I keep buggin them A......don't know if I have convinced them as of yet though:P
DPH # 2
"I am not sure what you are suppose to do with that, but I don't think it is suppose to flop around like that." ~Skootz~
I have a strong regard for the rules.......doc!

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We now have Skydive Atlanta and Skydive Kansas as participating drop zones for the Leap For Lupus event this August 17th-20th. They will donate a part of the proceeds from their tandems that weekend and also if someone goes to our web site to download a coupon any time of the year and takes it to their DZ to make a skydive they will also donate part of the proceeds from that to the Leap For Lupus Foundation!

If you jump at a drop zone that isn't participating, ask them why they aren't! This is a great way to introduce NEW PEOPLE into the sport! This is a win/win situation for everyone. It's tax deductible plus everyone gets more business, and the Leap For Lupus Foundation gets that much closer to finding a cure for Lupus.

Go out and bug your DZO today about the LFL.

Thank you Skydive Atlanta and Skydive Kansas!!

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We now have Skydive Atlanta and Skydive Kansas as participating drop zones for the Leap For Lupus event this August 17th-20th. They will donate a part of the proceeds from their tandems that weekend


That is cool that they are donating a %. Can I assume that K-pow is doing the same!!

Scott C.

"He who Hesitates Shall Inherit the Earth!"

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We now have Skydive Atlanta and Skydive Kansas as participating drop zones for the Leap For Lupus event this August 17th-20th. They will donate a part of the proceeds from their tandems that weekend


That is cool that they are donating a %. Can I assume that K-pow is doing the same!!

Scott C.

Yes! Kapowsin Air Sports and also Blue Skies in Bremerton are both participating drop zones.

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We now have Skydive Atlanta and Skydive Kansas as participating drop zones for the Leap For Lupus event this August 17th-20th. They will donate a part of the proceeds from their tandems that weekend


That is cool that they are donating a %. Can I assume that K-pow is doing the same!!

Scott C.

Yes! Kapowsin Air Sports and also Blue Skies in Bremerton are both participating drop zones.

That is so awesome that you are getting that many other DZ's to commit to such a great cause;)
DPH # 2
"I am not sure what you are suppose to do with that, but I don't think it is suppose to flop around like that." ~Skootz~
I have a strong regard for the rules.......doc!

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