
Leap For Lupus 2007

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We will be supporting your cause at Skydive Atlanta this weekend.
In fact, I have 2 that have claimed they will be there to make a tandem!
Jean will have shirts for sale if anyone local is interested.
Be patient with the faults of others; they have to be patient with yours.

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I got a sweet slot on the dive. I'm really looking forward to seeing everyone at the Leap for Lupus this weekend. Can't wait to see you there.


John, I was looking and you have the same spot in your loop as I have in my loop, just one over! Dive looks nice along with a good group according to the list....

Should be fun!

Scott C.
"He who Hesitates Shall Inherit the Earth!"

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The weather has been on and off so far this weekend but we are getting some good jumps and have been doing a lot of tandems!

Local news people have been out and done a little segment with more to follow.


Keep your fingers crossed for good weather on Monday so we can actually get some good dives up to altitude B|

We are having a blast regardless! If your not here wish you were!

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We are having a blast regardless! If you're not here wish you were!

Well, it rained hard in the morning and then teased us with lifting ceilings and a spot or two of blue in the early afternoon. We circled up and discussed the options, but wisdom prevailed over wishing, and we never ferried the extra 2 planes in to do the 70 way.

For the rest of the day, we made Otter and Caravan jumps from around 6000 feet, at the very base of the overcast, speed stars mostly. The disappointment in not doing the big way seemed to fade as people realized the great times that were had regardless, and the fun we all had seeing old faces again and meeting a lot of great new people. Even though we never got a fair shot at the state record, I feel we accomplished many goals. I'm especially pleased at the media coverage for our cause, Lupus research, and the funds raised for Lupus research through raffles, sales, and personal and corporate donations.

To all of you who made it happen, I can't thank you enough. Valinda is overwhelmed by your enthusiasm and support. We're hoping to make next year even bigger and better, and we would love to have all of you join us again.

Sincerely, John Mitchell

P.S. There's no way it can rain us out 2 years in a row! :)

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send me dates for next year asap so i can put it on me and doc's calendar in advance....then i will be sure not to miss it next yr!
DPH # 2
"I am not sure what you are suppose to do with that, but I don't think it is suppose to flop around like that." ~Skootz~
I have a strong regard for the rules.......doc!

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We were SOOOOO not sucking at Kapowsin this weekend...even though the weather did....

Had a great time.. made some new friends.. and hung out with some old ones...

We were SOOOO ready to do it...but... well its Western Washington State... with Americas version of crappy English weather....[:/]

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To all of you who made it happen, I can't thank you enough. Valinda is overwhelmed by your enthusiasm and support. We're hoping to make next year even bigger and better, and we would love to have all of you join us again.

Sincerely, John Mitchell

P.S. There's no way it can rain us out 2 years in a row! :)

I am more than overwhelmed with everyone's support! This was a fantastic LFL! I'm really happy with how it turned out other than the weather which we all know can't be helped. I think everyone had a great time and we got some great jumping in all the other days so really we can't complain too much.

As for the record jump.... The suspense and anticipation is only prolonged now. We'll get it next year for sure! Now all of you have an extra year to practice for that big way!! I can't wait to see you out there next year!

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I just got a few pictures from the event.

The first one is: Amazon in the dirt dive on Monday.
Next is a picture of some of our media during a dirt dive outside on Monday. Pretty cool!
The third on is of all of the people that came out to be in the 70 doing the lay down practice.
The fourth one is of a few unknown people listening to Roger Ponce during the dirt dive.

If anyone else has some pics go ahead and post them! I still have other pics to look through yet so I may post more if ya want?

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Yeah but it totally would have worked! We just needed a little sunshine to fuel it all. That's all. B|

Next year.

The organizing was there, the people were there and other then the weather all signs pointed to it working. The Base was chunking out clean and I, like the rest, was bummed about the weather. Even on a bad weather Monday, there was lots of support given there was enough for a bench..

The Farringtons have a great "NEW" facility and all was running smoothly. As a side, I do think we were lucky about not getting anyone hurt on those Heelys that were providing entertainment. If there were just a few more 7 year olds to give lessons :P

Next Year for the NW Big Way!

Scott C.
"He who Hesitates Shall Inherit the Earth!"

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The organizing was there, the people were there and other then the weather all signs pointed to it working. The Base was chunking out clean and I, like the rest, was bummed about the weather. Even on a bad weather Monday, there was lots of support given there was enough for a bench..

The Farringtons have a great "NEW" facility and all was running smoothly. As a side, I do think we were lucky about not getting anyone hurt on those Heelys that were providing entertainment. If there were just a few more 7 year olds to give lessons :P

Next Year for the NW Big Way!

Scott C.

I'm gonna get me some of those heelys! I keep going to the store and my kids keep talking me out of them. They think I'm going to get hurt and so I haven't gotten me any yet. But I will! Just because I have old lady bones made frail from the over use of Prednisone doesn't mean I can't still have fun!

Just in case you all missed the Seattle Times today I thought I'd scan it so you didn't miss it. B|;):$

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