
Casa 212 jumps - $10 to 9000'

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Harare, Zimbabwe.

The Air Force of Zimbabwe have agreed to conduct their jump training at Mashonaland Skydivers Club every 2nd Saturday, having commenced on the 16th June 2007.

In return a fund for the rehabilitation of their sport club facilities has been set up. Each jumper donates $10 for his dive.

The drops are arranged in four sets of two back-to-back loads for a total of 8 loads. There are plenty of good quality rigs for hire, bar, pool and recreational facilities.

This agreement has proved decisive in sustaining the Club (est. 1962) through these very severe economic times.

The Civil Aviation Authority of Zimbabwe has also assisted by agreeing to the hire of the BN2 Islander for the alternate weekends at a reasonable hire rate.

Check it out at http://www.skydive.co.zw Clicky!

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