Man, Lisa, you're doing all my work for me, girl! Thanks! I've been totally slacking on checking up on Lisa is the girl with the answers in my absence, so I see-- I dig! And yes on the aircraft, otters, skyvan Saturday, DC-3 both days, and helicopter Sunday.
As for costumes, I've got a bunch of bling and a picture in my mind's eye... I'm goin' new school gangsta, Ali G b*tches. hahaaah Sweet.
LisaH 0
You wouldn't happen to have a fake machine gun handy would you? Or any gun? I need one for my costume.
Nomad 0
Man! I wish i had heard about this earlier and geared up to go I gotta find a kick ass gathering to pop my boogie cherry! And I'm just a hop skip away in AZ...
QuoteYou wouldn't happen to have a fake machine gun handy would you?
Or any gun? I need one for my costume.
I've got a gun you can use.. but you have to be careful.. sometimes, it just goes off!
CSA #720
LisaH 0
Woohoo! Only 14 more days.
QuoteWoohoo! Only 14 more days.
but your not counting, right?
CSA #720
redwings 0
QuoteQuoteWoohoo! Only 14 more days.
but your not counting, right?
Lisa? Counting the days? Perish the thought!

I have a phobia for moobs. Thanks, youknowwhoyouare.
Registration is $45.
Doh! I must have read that page five times without seeing the part about the regisration fee. But why pre-register? get it out of the way. So you don't have to stand in line. Maybe.
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