
Chicks Rock Boogie at Skydive Elsinore Oct. 12-14th

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You're most welcome to stay in the bunkhouse I have reserved, Lisa.

BUT, no worries. If that means you having to get up super early, I can take a cab or shuttle or something instead. Gotta get your rest beforehand for our wild weekend, ya know!

Lisa appreciates the offer, but she has to decline.. she has conditions to meet if she is to stay in the bunkhouse! :ph34r::D;):D


cut her some slack, it's now day 9 (I think) without a cigarette!:P Good goin' for her!!!

hmmm, thats a tough feat. .. but what I was talking about, only she and a a select few, heck, maybe even one, know. :D
CLICK HERE! new blog posted 9/21/08
CSA #720

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You're most welcome to stay in the bunkhouse I have reserved, Lisa.

BUT, no worries. If that means you having to get up super early, I can take a cab or shuttle or something instead. Gotta get your rest beforehand for our wild weekend, ya know!

Lisa appreciates the offer, but she has to decline.. she has conditions to meet if she is to stay in the bunkhouse! :ph34r::D;):D


cut her some slack, it's now day 9 (I think) without a cigarette!:P Good goin' for her!!!

hmmm, thats a tough feat. .. but what I was talking about, only she and a a select few, heck, maybe even one, know. :D

I know... :o:D But, then again, I've only heard stories. One Lisa and the parties involved know the rest. ;)

"I had a dude tip his black cowboy hat to me after I provided him with a condom outside my hotel room at 3-something in the morning." -myself

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nonsense.. i got 2 in.. i think there were like 11 loads that went up. .. and I left before the storm passed, I'm sure they are jumping as we speak, and continueing with them night time jumps.. ... stupid parents arriving at airport. hmmph!

... ... YEAH!! CHICKS ROCK!!!!!
CLICK HERE! new blog posted 9/21/08
CSA #720

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Does everyone have their costume ready? :)

No...I have no costume at the moment, but I realized that my fave costumes are often thrown together at the last moment.

Btw, I will be making and selling a few hundred jello shots for our AIDS Walk, if that's ok with everyone at the DZ. I'm going to the DZ tomorrow to ask if that is ok to do, during Chick's Rock. If so, I will probably bring the jello shots on Friday night and begin selling them, then.

Woohoo, Chick's Rock! :)

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Sweet. Many thanks. Will register TODAY then figure out lodging :S

I haven't read anything about a registration fee. Is there one? What is the benefit of pre-registering?
What do you call a beautiful, sunny day that comes after two cloudy, rainy
ones? -- Monday.

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I haven't read anything about a registration fee. Is there one? What is the benefit of pre-registering?

Registration is $45.


Doh! I must have read that page five times without seeing the part about the regisration fee. But why pre-register?

Ummm...to get it out of the way. So you don't have to stand in line. Maybe. :D
Be yourself!

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Man, Lisa, you're doing all my work for me, girl! Thanks! I've been totally slacking on checking up on dz.com-- Lisa is the girl with the answers in my absence, so I see-- I dig! ;) And yes on the aircraft, otters, skyvan Saturday, DC-3 both days, and helicopter Sunday.

As for costumes, I've got a bunch of bling and a picture in my mind's eye... I'm goin' new school gangsta, Ali G b*tches. hahaaah Sweet. B|


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Woohoo! Only 14 more days. B|

but your not counting, right?


Lisa? Counting the days? Perish the thought!
Why don't you just go to the police station in a red clown suit and let everybody know what we're doing here?

I have a phobia for moobs. Thanks, youknowwhoyouare.

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