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Yea there is!!!!!!! http://www.hawaiiskydiving.com/party_in_paradise_08.htm

Party in Paradise 2008

James “Whitey” Whiting started Party in Paradise in Hawaii around 1979 at Jump Hawaii, Dillingham Airfield. The Party was designed as an annual event for all Whitey’s friends to come and experience the beauty of Hawaii. Whitey had moved to Oahu's North Shore from the Chicago area and claimed a low Freak Brothers number. The December 5, 1981 Twin Beech tragedy claimed both Whitey’s life and the aircraft.

In 1984 a community effort to renew the Party was undertaken. Harry Clark at Genavco Aviation, Honolulu International Airport, provided his C-47 and the Party was on. Up to 100 people from all over the world would camp out on Dillingham Airfield each year. Jerry Bird, Roger Ponce and George Jicha were brought over to Hawaii to help organize and teach those in attendance. Party’s continued into the early 1990s at Skydive Hawaii, until drop zone politics interceded.

The Party in Paradise 2008 will begin December 29, 2007 and continue to February 18, 2008. Since our primary aircraft for the Party will be our Caravan, the jumper numbers it can support will be smaller. The Party will be limited to 40 jumpers with a $50 registration fee which includes a Party 08 t-shirt. At least an USPA "B" license is recommended for participants. We have a limited amount of space for camping, so let us know when you/your group plans to attend. We also need to give the State names of those camping for national security reasons. Both Waikiki and the Turtle Bay hotels are reasonable close to the DZ and offer a wide range of comforts impossible at the DZ. We can easily fly 20 loads of sport jumpers each day, weather permitting. After February 18, all spare Caravan time will not be available. When sport jumpers are jumping on a load with an organizer our normal $20 tickets to 12,500' will be $25. Click for registration form.

Load organizer December 29, 2007 to January 6, 2008 is Lemonhead from Canada. Our German friend Sascha Schindler will work with Skydive Hawaii on putting this first event together. DZ Bar-b-ques on Sat Dec 29.,Tues Jan 02 and Sat Jan 05 with live music on Saturdays.

In the spirit of improving skydiving skills, Skydive Hawaii will host freestyle, swooping and Birdman train camps in the weeks between January 6 and February 9. Again the training camps are limited to 40 participants. Coaches will be Richard Doppelmayer, Shaun Dunn, Jake Kilfoyle, Greg Flint and other staff as permitted or required. Training camp participants and coaches will be given priority in manifesting on our Caravan during this period. Individual coaching will be available as well as group coaching.

Frank promises to surprise everyone during the final week of February 9 to February 18, 2008. Amy Chemlecki will be organizing loads. All the weeks of freestyle training will now be generating fun. We will be planning a Bar-b-que event Saturday February 16, 2008.


Here's some of the other stuff happening on Oahu during the Party in Paradise 08.

Mid January will be the Sony open.

Late January is the Turtle Bay open.

Late January 2008 is Moanikeala Hula Festival at the Polynesian cultural center.

February 7, 2008 is Chinese New Year (Year of the rat begins)

The Super Bowl is Feb 10, 2008

Valentine’s Day is February 14, 2008

President’s Day is February 18, 2008

February 23 to March 2, 2008 will be an invitational event: Fluid Sky Adventures…..Island Style North Shore ‘08

Fluid Sky Adventures-North Shore is an all inclusive event organized by Clint Clawson and Joey Jones Feb 24-Mar1st. Pre registration price of $1700, $1300(w/o lodging or camping) is securable with your $200 deposit. Price will increase $100 in Sept. 1 and again in Dec. 1. Slots are limited and we plan on being booked by end Sept. Contact Joey Jones for more information Genfx@gate.net.

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