
WFFC 2008?

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Considering all the legal drama that Don and his family are going through (non-skydive related) it seems it may not be happening. I put a thread up in bonfire last week and there is nobody saying it is on.

I would suggest you head to the summerfest at SDC if it is not open as they put an awesome boogie on at the same time.

.Karnage Krew Gear Store

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Anyone know absolutely anything about the Freefall convention for this year? I hear the senior staff is in but no announcement has been made. Anyone know if any aircraft have been booked?

Folks, We really appreciate your continued good thoughts on having a WFFC 08. I spoke with Don just this morning to make sure that he has gotten all of the posts and emails that I have forwarded on to him regarding this years event. I know that he has a lot on his plate with his business, and the land grab situation in Boulder. Because he is so incredibly busy, he really enjoys having his vacation at the WFFC every year. I know that when everything else is kinda heavy on his shoulders the thoughts of the Convention really brighten his day.
One of the things that he mentioned to me is that he wasn't sure if people REALLY want a WFFC. I assured him that I think they do.
He said he is going to spend the next 10 days or so thinking about it, and making up his mind. He is hoping for a Valentines day answer to the question.
So here is the deal, do you want another WFFC? Can you get people to post to this thread so that I can forward it on to him to let him know that we all REALLY REALLY want one?
If we do, I know that as a member of the senior staff, I"M IN!! I CAN HARDLY WAIT!

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I will be there with my 7 hills crew under our dropzone row tent Don willing. I will also be the faithful medical volunteer once again. I was devestated at the cancellation last year, and need this year to happen.

Don, this event needs to happen. The problem that exists for most at this time is simply needing dates, so we do not overlap club parties, and other boogies. I have submitted my vacation time, and made the hotel reservations already. I need to see my friends that I only see once a year in Rantoul. You do have some faithful attendees Don. You announce it, jumpers will come!!!

I have also placed a post on the www.freefall.com site. Maybe we can stir up the community!!

Until July???
Sometimes Femur is a Verb
Sarah...Desea Rodriguez

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Of course we want a Convention this year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My crew at Seven Hills and I were broken hearted when we found out that the WFFC was canceled. None of us knew what to do. That is our home away from home and we have new skydivers to bring that haven't been to a convention yet. Tell Don that WFFC 2008 must go on and he will have support from at least our Drop zone. In fact, so many of our crew come to the WFFC that we almost have to shut down our operation. If he decides to have it then Seven Hills Skydivers will be represented on Drop Zone Row.
So yes, bring on the World Freefall Convention!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Anyone know absolutely anything about the Freefall convention for this year? I hear the senior staff is in but no announcement has been made. Anyone know if any aircraft have been booked?

Folks, We really appreciate your continued good thoughts on having a WFFC 08. I spoke with Don just this morning to make sure that he has gotten all of the posts and emails that I have forwarded on to him regarding this years event. I know that he has a lot on his plate with his business, and the land grab situation in Boulder. Because he is so incredibly busy, he really enjoys having his vacation at the WFFC every year. I know that when everything else is kinda heavy on his shoulders the thoughts of the Convention really brighten his day.
One of the things that he mentioned to me is that he wasn't sure if people REALLY want a WFFC. I assured him that I think they do.
He said he is going to spend the next 10 days or so thinking about it, and making up his mind. He is hoping for a Valentines day answer to the question.
So here is the deal, do you want another WFFC? Can you get people to post to this thread so that I can forward it on to him to let him know that we all REALLY REALLY want one?
If we do, I know that as a member of the senior staff, I"M IN!! I CAN HARDLY WAIT!

You know all of us here in Flatville want it! B|

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My most humble opinion, there is still a place for the WFFC ,with changes. Skydiving is not the same as it was when the convention was in it's hay date. There are many more choices. People just don't plan to go spend 7-10 days hanging out at one event. I think a 4-5 day event with adequate lift power and reasonable registration would be the way to go.

for what ever it's worth,there it is.

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Jay is an awesome guy. Skyfest will rock. I see no logical reason to miss either one!! Does one really need to REPLACE the other???? I never meant to imply that the WFFC replace any other boogie. Our club goes to many. I just want Rantoul back!!:)

Sometimes Femur is a Verb
Sarah...Desea Rodriguez

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I went in '05. I was there only over the 1st weekend and didn't like that I had to pay that large registration for the entire event.
I think a 4-5 day event with a smaller registration fee would attract more people. Most skydivers have to work and we all get only so many vacation days. There are a LOT of boogies and local/regional events that people want to attend, as well.
Be patient with the faults of others; they have to be patient with yours.

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WFFC has been replaced with SKYFEST which will be in Chester SC this June. I'm planning to be there

I disagree. To me it's not about one event replacing another. It's about choices. (And the choices are getting slim by the way.)

I think that event organizers that get all happy when another event shuts down because they think it means a windfall for them may be mistaken

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WFFC has been replaced with SKYFEST which will be in Chester SC this June. I'm planning to be there

I disagree. To me it's not about one event replacing another. It's about choices. (And the choices are getting slim by the way.)

I think that event organizers that get all happy when another event shuts down because they think it means a windfall for them may be mistaken

Last year I atttended at least a boogie a month since I wasn't busy with the WFFC. It was a real eyeopener. I had a great time at every single one of them, and saw some of my buddies attending more than one, and some who chose only one. Every boogie had it's own flavor, and all of them were good!

I attended the Pac 750 boogie at QCSC
John and Liannes wedding boogie
the 50th anniversary boogie in St Louis
the Rodriguez Family Reunion in Chester SC
Skyfest in Texas
Summerfest in Chicago
The Carol Allaman Memorial in Illinois
The Couch Freaks in Iowa
I know there were a couple other, I gotta think a little more.

I loved the reception that I got everywhere I went, and I loved seeing what jump planes, showers, parties, and other ammenities were available at each of the locations I went to. It was also interesting to see what the boogie fees were, and what they paid for, and what was considered an extra.
Man the food at Couch Freaks was incredible.
The best part was seeing everybody. I miss all of youse guyse

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WFFC has been replaced with SKYFEST which will be in Chester SC this June. I'm planning to be there

Hey Rky you beautiful Chica you;)muah.... Is there a list somewhere that WE could compare the TWO boogies with each other so that ALL fun jumpers, jumpcraft owners and VENDORS can see for themselves?

I didnt make last years SKYFEST, but I had heard that the turnout was low???? Or maybe it was the SUMMERFEST in Chi~town....

DON'T get me wrong peeps, I aint trying to BASH boogies, but like I said over in BONFIRE, the WFFC has been the one boogie that SEEMS to pull jumpers in from all over the globe...

No matter what, who says that ya have to attend for the entire 10 days, but if the registration fee outweighs the time that one is going to be there, than that could be useful info for Don and His staff to possibly figure out how to make it more affordable for jumpers, owners and such....
Hell, it may even be too late to logistically/feasibly figure plans for an 08 REUNION... I hope not also, but time is money and money is money and schedules are hard to jive! I live just down the road and could only make it there during the daytime just 6 days, but I camped there EVERY single night and went to work when I had to, only to comeback each night to be with "My FAMILY"..... YOU peeps and my other Dad (Don)
No one wishes bad things on people or boogies?? Do we?

Don, dannydan the RED MOHAWK MAN here, you Sir do what ya gotta do! Your a family man, a businessman and a jumper that loves to have and GIVE a GREAT time for your Brotherhood... You GO WITH IT when its right for you and the rest of us....
I will be there when you say so!

peace and best regards :dd

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