
SkyFest Family Reunion Boogie- June 4-9, Skydive Carolina, SC

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Oh you know Emilio...owned by little tiny Alana...just had the baby a few months ago. Big guy...our resident illegal alien other than the Brazilian crew. You've chased him around the sky before.

My reality and yours are quite different.
I think we're all Bozos on this bus.
Falcon5232, SCS8170, SCSA353, POPS9398, DS239

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I thought I would recap what is going on at this event. It was actually presented to me yesterday and I was in shock of what we had out together!! Someone said " J where else are you going to go and get:

Free Skydives (about 15 Otter Loads)
World Cup Speed Skydiving Competition
Free Canopy Control Course Thurs & Friday Team Fastrax and PD
Tony Hathaway
100 way's
50 ways
TeXXas 20 Pink Patch
FF State Record
Womens State Record
SCR Jumps
Discounted FF coaching
Free JSF Scholarship Awards
Award Ceremony
Raft dives
Huge Gear Auction
15+ Mfrs attending
Skinnyshrek Memorial Poker Tournament. (Sponsored by Pokerstars) on Thursday Night.
USPA to attend Ed Scott and more
An incredible boogie shirt (really, its gonna be cool)
R Brothers, Pink Mafia, Team Hellfish and more
3 Casa's Otter Heli, Balloon
High Altitude Jumps
what did I miss.?...

BTW It really sounds like this will start on Tuesday, I have had numerous emails saying they will be there early and offered to help set up. Thanks to all.

Now some one tell me who the hell is going to handle all this? GD, when did I do this,shit! I am drowning here, ...man! I think I need a bigger box!!

Wow, this is going to be a blast, think I will leave on Thursday and hide!!:SB|

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Oh you know Emilio...owned by little tiny Alana...just had the baby a few months ago. Big guy...our resident illegal alien other than the Brazilian crew. You've chased him around the sky before.

Yeah, i guess I do know Emilio, I just thought he was a pretty experienced jumper. :S Denete, I'll be there Sunday but plan on doing 4-way. Maybe we can squeeze a jump in if you're not able to make it Saturday. I'll wear my fast suit, if it still fits. ;):D

And Jay...I CAN'T WAIT for Skyfest! I put in my request for some time off this week. B|

Enemiga Rodriguez, PMS #369, OrFun #25, Team Dirty Sanchez #116, Pelt Head #29, Muff #4091

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Yeah, i guess I do know Emilio, I just thought he was a pretty experienced jumper. :S Denete, I'll be there Sunday but plan on doing 4-way. Maybe we can squeeze a jump in if you're not able to make it Saturday. I'll wear my fast suit, if it still fits. ;):D

Thanks girl! It looks like I'm going to shoot for a Saturday/Sunday pass to be there both. Andy knows that two days means I might get in two jumps. :D:D
SCR #14809

"our attitude is the thing most capable of keeping us safe"
(look, grab, look, grab, peel, punch, punch, arch)

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I thought I would recap what is going on at this event. It was actually presented to me yesterday and I was in shock of what we had out together!! Someone said " J where else are you going to go and get:

Free Skydives (about 15 Otter Loads)
World Cup Speed Skydiving Competition
Free Canopy Control Course Thurs & Friday Team Fastrax and PD
Tony Hathaway
100 way's
50 ways
TeXXas 20 Pink Patch
FF State Record
Womens State Record
SCR Jumps
Discounted FF coaching
Free JSF Scholarship Awards
Award Ceremony
Raft dives
Huge Gear Auction
15+ Mfrs attending
Skinnyshrek Memorial Poker Tournament. (Sponsored by Pokerstars) on Thursday Night.
USPA to attend Ed Scott and more
An incredible boogie shirt (really, its gonna be cool)
R Brothers, Pink Mafia, Team Hellfish and more
3 Casa's Otter Heli, Balloon
High Altitude Jumps
what did I miss.?...

BTW It really sounds like this will start on Tuesday, I have had numerous emails saying they will be there early and offered to help set up. Thanks to all.

Now some one tell me who the hell is going to handle all this? GD, when did I do this,shit! I am drowning here, ...man! I think I need a bigger box!!

Wow, this is going to be a blast, think I will leave on Thursday and hide!!:SB|

Hey folks! Check out the auction page, you wont believe your eyes! manufacturers keep loading it up with more items than I can keep up with!!

Will be adding Airtech soon, yup they will be attending SkyFest all the way from Germany and bringing a cypres and certificates for the auction.

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Hey...lets have some more details on that Skinnyshrek memorial poker tourny!!

And PS...Ganja's name should be on that somewhere as well.

Mr Jello J os the LO on that one, I do know that it starts on the beer light Thursday, he has preofessional dealers, some strippers, free beer, trophies. Well I might have some of it confused but I am sure J will come thru on most of it;)

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If it's not on your person, lock it in your car when you're not in your tent. Skydivers are generally pretty trustworthy, but shit does happen and if you've got a car to lock stuff in, you might as well use it. Same goes for your gear at night - lock it up in your car. Don't leave it in the hangar ... there'll be parties going on in there, and stupidity happens. :S

Also, I have no idea if Chester has this problem, but some boogies have had problems with locals (teenagers especially) who get wind of a big party and show up to cause trouble and who have been known to take stuff from tents. So even if you trust those within our community, don't assume that the only people around will be from within our community.

"There is only one basic human right, the right to do as you damn well please. And with it comes the only basic human duty, the duty to take the consequences." -P.J. O'Rourke

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How safe is keeping possessions in tents at boogies? This will be my first and I'm wondering if it would be a good idea to keep my camera and cell phone and pdas and all that good stuff in my car rather then leaving it in my tent the whole time. Any input? Thanks!

If you don't have access to a car to lock your gear, this is another option.
50 donations so far. Give it a try.

You know you want to spank it
Jump an Infinity

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The good thing about Chester is that the locals dont even know we are there!!! This will be a skydivers party...I mean boogie, I mean party...ahh hell!!!!

Shaggio is right but I'd still lock up anything valuable, there will be non-skydiving vendors(food, etc.), news crews, and I'd suspect after a couple days non-jumpers

on a normal weekend we can keep up with who "does not belong" and watch 'em
Give one city to the thugs so they can all live together. I vote for Chicago where they have strict gun laws.

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So it seems someone didn't like that idea that I was supplying Psychobob with whores, I have been banned from the boogie attendance list.
I'll try again to list my self.

Amazon Organizing ISSA World Cup Speed Skydiving , PMS Initiations ,SCR Fun jumps
BGill (most likely)
Billeisele- Mesa Rodriguez
BlueSkiesKel-riding JENNR8R
Bolas It's practically in my backyard...
Broke (Anyone wanna ride down in a little toyota?)
ChangoEnLosPantalones Rodriguez con el ECU skydive club
Chaoskitty -disorganizing
CSpenceFLY organizing
Danger ROO
Delfina Rodriguez
Fmmobley - with his new wingsuit
Freefalle and others from Team Dirty Sanchez I'm sure
futuredivot - Selling a few t-shirts; Staying sober to drive if needed; not modeling SkyFest underwear
gonzalesna -DD: Designated Drinker
mnealtx (in spirit)
Pepe Rodriguez
Perra Rodriguez
PsychoBob (whoremonger)
Rkymtnhigh(if I'm still in the SE in June)
Shaggio Rodriguez
Skydave (PsychoBob's supplier)
Sunshine - keeping upndownshop in line
Thanatos340 - Organizing Poker Tournament, Bringing Jello Shots, Chasing Women and ACTUALLY Jumping
Tmaricle55 (dragging Clay)

LifeshouldNOTbeajourneytothegravewithawellpreservedbody,buttskidinsideways,cigarinone hand,martiniintheother,bodythoroughlyused upandscreaming:"WOO HOO!! What a ride!!!"

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I had a question from one of the Spped Divers who will be coming...


as for camping, is there a place at the dz itself where i can just throw a sleeping bag and spend a night?
have you been there yourself ?

I have not been there so I really did not know what to tell him?

Crashing on the couches??


I did not see anything about camping other than campers in the thread or on the Skyfest site

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Crashing on the couches?
Sleeping in the hangar?
Sleeping in the packing tents?

Bumpin' uglies in the planes?

Inquiring minds want to know.

My reality and yours are quite different.
I think we're all Bozos on this bus.
Falcon5232, SCS8170, SCSA353, POPS9398, DS239

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Crashing on the couches?
Sleeping in the hangar?
Sleeping in the packing tents?

Bumpin' uglies in the planes?

Inquiring minds want to know.

guilty - all the above
Give one city to the thugs so they can all live together. I vote for Chicago where they have strict gun laws.

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So it seems someone didn't like that idea that I was supplying Psychobob with whores, I have been banned from the boogie attendance list.
I'll try again to list my self.


Amazon Organizing ISSA World Cup Speed Skydiving , PMS Initiations ,SCR Fun jumps
BGill (most likely)
Billeisele- Mesa Rodriguez
BlueSkiesKel-riding JENNR8R
Bolas It's practically in my backyard...
Broke (Anyone wanna ride down in a little toyota?)
ChangoEnLosPantalones Rodriguez con el ECU skydive club
Chaoskitty -disorganizing
CSpenceFLY organizing
Danger ROO
Delfina Rodriguez
Fmmobley - with his new wingsuit
Freefalle and others from Team Dirty Sanchez I'm sure
futuredivot - Selling a few t-shirts; Staying sober to drive if needed; not modeling SkyFest underwear
gonzalesna -DD: Designated Drinker
mnealtx (in spirit)
Pepe Rodriguez
Perra Rodriguez
PsychoBob (whoremonger)
Rkymtnhigh(if I'm still in the SE in June)
Shaggio Rodriguez
Skydave (PsychoBob's supplier)
Sunshine - keeping upndownshop in line
Thanatos340 - Organizing Poker Tournament, Bringing Jello Shots, Chasing Women and ACTUALLY Jumping
Tmaricle55 (dragging Clay)

I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun

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