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Do to pressure from unnamed sources I'll be organizing a Kansas POPS record attempt at the Boogie. I checked the POPS website and there is no official record listed for Kansas.

First thing I have to do is join. I thought some wiseass jumper buddy of mine might have bucked up for a membership for me by now but I guess I'll be doing the honors myself.

If you want on, join POPS if you haven't already then e-mail me your intentions and skill set. I guess we'll take up to 13 for the attempt and one cameraman.


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I'll be driving up from Naples Via Enterprise > Houston > Dallas > Tulsa > Kansas and will have an extra spot in the car for the ride up. The drive back I'll be taking a different route. KS > St Louis > Louisville > Bowling Greens (corvette factory) > Burningham > Jacksonville > Fort Lauderdale > Naples

If anyone is intersted in taking a REALLY extended road trip and then fly home let me know. I only havce a 2 seater so space is limited but it'll be a fun ride in a c6 cross country!

I'll be rolling into town the Tuesday before the boogie, hang out with everyone on Wednesday then party and jump the rest of the time!
<--- See look, pink dolphins DO exist!

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As you can see by my profile, I'll be a newly licensed skydiver when the boogie gets here. By no means do I expect you to manifest me over a more experienced skydiver, but I am more than willing to fill an empty slot.

"I might not be good... but I'm old" B|

Learn from others' mistakes, you will never live long enough to make them all yourself.
POPS 10672

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Hey group -
My first post - don't know all your names yet, but I recognize a few.

I'll be driving the Fort Worth > Tulsa > Kansas route on Wednesday, one day behind [kansasskydiver] and I'd also consider carpooling (room for one in '07 Civic).

Jesse - POPs record sounds fun but would probably be a mistake to manifest me. Only 3 jumps in the last 18 years; 180 before that. I joined POPS just in case.

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For those of you driving through Oklahoma, I live in Moore, just two miles off of exit 119 on I-35. Call my cell if you need anything while passing through.


Learn from others' mistakes, you will never live long enough to make them all yourself.
POPS 10672

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There is one other that should be coming up there with me and I had three or four others that "are interested" One of them is a POPS member and is interested in the record attempt.
Learn from others' mistakes, you will never live long enough to make them all yourself.
POPS 10672

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For those of you driving through Oklahoma, I live in Moore, just two miles off of exit 119 on I-35. Call my cell if you need anything while passing through.


I might hit ya up on that offer for a bathroom break and stretch. I've got a 2000 mile drive ahead of me to get up there and see everyone again. You'll love the group and no worries on how many jumps you have. KSUPC is a club not a comercial dz. I was president for a number of years, I think 3 or more can't remember, and it's continued to be a welcoming place to anyone of any jump numbers.

It's been such a nice place that after moving to FL I've basically stopped jumping because I just don't seem to have as much fun and miss all the friends I made there. That's my motivation for my 4500 mile 2 week trip I'll be taking, not to mention Geoff was a friend of mine and the Peggs family has always been great to the club as well.

Hope to see you up there!
<--- See look, pink dolphins DO exist!

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For the POPS record my first priority will be to utilized Kansas jumpers and the second will be to sort out the talent. If I can't find enough talent to fill the load with Kansas jumpers then I'll look to non-Kansas Peeps. So far I have a two way for sure.


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So far I have a two way for sure.


Oh and as suggested by Aubrey, in addition to the pitts for acrobatic rides I'll be offering hold onto your seat motherf*cker rides on the ground for the cost of gas :) I'll be bringing my new baby up (as long as gas ain't $6 bucks by next month eek)

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Any word on the hot air balloon?
Also when we get a rough head count/prediction let me know-we need to decide whether we need one or two hogs. I'm thinking of dipping into my culinary toolbox and maybe adding some tradional Luau dishes. I sent our POPS membership off-Les of course will have a number ahead of me since he is the old fart-haha.
"You can't teach what you don't know and you can't lead where you won't go"

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Oh and as suggested by Aubrey, in addition to the pitts for acrobatic rides I'll be offering hold onto your seat motherf*cker rides on the ground for the cost of gas :) I'll be bringing my new baby up (as long as gas ain't $6 bucks by next month eek)

I claim first ride!! Since it was a brilliant idea..i think I should take it for a spin as well..it isn't a sports car until you run from the cops..just trying to help you break it in ;)
~Always do stupid things safely~

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I'll buy the beer if I can hang out window while you are running from the cops


Ya know before I left Manhattan my dream was to make it around the town in my other Vette in 10 Mins... Take it from the airport down Ft Riley and then back up around past walmart and back up towards colbert hills. I had started to talk to an ex cop to figure out what the times could be to do it and where the cops sat and basically the bottom line was my 80 vette could never outrun the cops and it was just too dangerous given the car...

It might be a different story now though... I'll be pushing close to 450-500hp with a 0-62 in 4 seconds... If I had enough lead cars infront of me and on radio looking out for cops I could finally do it... We'll see lol.

The idea comes from this video of a guy doing in in France through Paris http://youtube.com/watch?v=tPjUm8ybvuA which is an awesome video if no one has ever seen it lol.

Shaun as for the price of the car, I plead the 5th on that one. We'll just say it was worth it and I got a good deal for my 2000 Vette I traded for it. No more Yellow car for me though :(

The offer stands for anyone wanting to join on the roadtrip. I'll pick anyone up along the way inbetween and drop anyone off where ever. As things change the map will change as well but for the time being here is the route. I'll be stopping at as many DZ's as I can along the route too just to see what's going on. Aubrey might be a good trip for you to see skydive Chicago.

***Removed link cause it didn't work right... Just showed a blank map. Will repost***

I'd only anyone that tags along to chip in a bit for gas for the obvious reasons that gas aint cheap no mo lol:ph34r:

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I don't want this conversation to take away from Pegg's boogie. So woo! 5 more weeks who's ready?!!!...ook so we'll use radio's from the dz, corey will buy beer, put friends on look out, and I get the passenger seat! :P I'd love to go road tripping, however i'm a poor college student. I would however post my bail if we get pulled over doing 180 on fort riley, all about priorities B|

~Always do stupid things safely~

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I would however post my bail if we get pulled over doing 180 on fort riley, all about priorities B|

FYI... My mother does Bail bonds :) Having said that... I can't wait for the Boogie! This will be my first one. I can't think of a better way to do it than with college students who ain't afraid to party!
Learn from others' mistakes, you will never live long enough to make them all yourself.
POPS 10672

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