Lost Prairie Boogie July 26 - August 4 2008 (Skydive Lost Prairie, Montana)
NWFlyer, in Events & Places to Jump
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TallGuy 0
For those of you who for whatever reason opted not to make it out this year let me tell you what you missed:
The landing area was fantastic. It was huge and devoid of most hazards aside from the infrequent gopher hole that plague almost any landing area. Sure there was still a shuttle ride but it was a big improvement over last year.
It was comfortably warm almost every day.
There were no wild fires near the DZ and I didn't even hear of any at Glacier.
The insects weren't too bad. There were a couple of bees, hornet, grasshoppers and mosquitos but their visits were brief. Nothing like we encountered on previous years.
Local wuffos were at an all time low this year. At the fire pit you would look around and actually recognize most of the people that were there. Quite a few of em popped out of the woodwork on Saturday night but when they discovered we had consolidated the Chorus and the Choir on Friday I think they got the point that we're done with them.
My brewery jump was almost as much fun as skydiving into Lake McGregor.
A sad note:
"They" cut down the rope swing. Apparently some bad things went down at the there over the past year (not during Jumpmeet). The platform and it's support branches were cut off. The tree that had the rope tied to it was cut down entirely. For those of you with happy memories of the swing I can tell you that it's a very depressing sight. The silver lining is that the area is now a nice semi-secluded place to take a swim that is sheltered fairly well from prying eyes, with little to no local traffic.
The turnout was about the lowest I have seen in my past 6 years attending the event and it was fabulous! With fewer loads and less vehicle and foot traffic the dust was relatively bearable. The hard core LP regulars were there and kept the vibe going strong. There was very little bullshit, whining, or drama (from skydivers). Any that I did see was dealt with promptly. It was a nice contrast to 2007 (which was great too).
In short... Thanks for not coming. Hope to see you there next year.
The landing area was fantastic. It was huge and devoid of most hazards aside from the infrequent gopher hole that plague almost any landing area. Sure there was still a shuttle ride but it was a big improvement over last year.
It was comfortably warm almost every day.
There were no wild fires near the DZ and I didn't even hear of any at Glacier.
The insects weren't too bad. There were a couple of bees, hornet, grasshoppers and mosquitos but their visits were brief. Nothing like we encountered on previous years.
Local wuffos were at an all time low this year. At the fire pit you would look around and actually recognize most of the people that were there. Quite a few of em popped out of the woodwork on Saturday night but when they discovered we had consolidated the Chorus and the Choir on Friday I think they got the point that we're done with them.
My brewery jump was almost as much fun as skydiving into Lake McGregor.
A sad note:
"They" cut down the rope swing. Apparently some bad things went down at the there over the past year (not during Jumpmeet). The platform and it's support branches were cut off. The tree that had the rope tied to it was cut down entirely. For those of you with happy memories of the swing I can tell you that it's a very depressing sight. The silver lining is that the area is now a nice semi-secluded place to take a swim that is sheltered fairly well from prying eyes, with little to no local traffic.
The turnout was about the lowest I have seen in my past 6 years attending the event and it was fabulous! With fewer loads and less vehicle and foot traffic the dust was relatively bearable. The hard core LP regulars were there and kept the vibe going strong. There was very little bullshit, whining, or drama (from skydivers). Any that I did see was dealt with promptly. It was a nice contrast to 2007 (which was great too).
In short... Thanks for not coming. Hope to see you there next year.
Fred, thanks for getting the new landing area. It was far superior to last year.

Mega thanks to the Farmer McFriendlies.
You know you want to spank it
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