
Italy in July - Aosta and Tortuga, Arezzo

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I'll be in Northern Italy in a couple of months and hope to jump at Aosta and Tortuga. Any thought on either of these DZs is very welcome, especially as my Italian in non-existant.

Although Tortuga seems to be a fairly major DZ, Aosta definitely isn't - would it be pointless going there except at the weekend?


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In the end I jumped at both Livorno and Tortuga, Arezzo but not Aosta. Both were very friendly and helpful to me, as I don't speak any Italian.

Livorno is a weekend only DZ, the very friendly pilot is a skydiver and that seems to make a big difference.

Tortuga wasn't busy during weekdays when I was there, but there were still several loads, morning and afternoon. There's also a refreshing pool, very useful at lunchtime when everything stops.

I would definitely recommend both DZs.

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