
Fundamentals canopy course-Feb 8 @ Aggieland

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This is directed at lower time jumpers (student jumper to 300-ish jumps), but more experienced jumpers may find things they benefit from in the class. Focus is on landing patterns, landing accuracy, flat turns, stalls, turn recovery and "why your canopy does what it does."

0900 at Skydive Aggieland February 8. This course includes 4-5 hop-n-pops with video debrief, while completing certain skills that were taught in the class room.

The cost is your jumps. If you feel like tossing a cold beer at the end of the day, buy lunch or putting a little on my account at the DZ, that would be nice, but the only real cost is YOUR jumps.

The class on Sunday is limited to 8, there are some local jumpers already signed up, if anyone else wants to join, drop me a PM here or call the DZ 979-778-JUMP and see if there is still a slot open for the class.
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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I definitely would have shown up if not on what is a work day for me. With wind like it was yesterday, I suspect this may get rescheduled, since it's expected to be in the 15 - 25 range again this afternoon. If so, and you decide to try it on something other than sunday let me know ... low cost canopy coaching sounds like a good thing to me, and it's been a while since I've been up to see y'all!!
As long as you are happy with yourself ... who cares what the rest of the world thinks?

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We believe the wind is going to really cause problems, but we're still going to meet and hope for the weather. While waiting for the weather we're going to cover a lot of the classroom stuff. Then next time we meet up to finish the course, we'll be able to review and jump.:)
Gary, this is a course that will be taught again, have no fear.:)

--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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Well ... took a walk at lunch and about blew over a couple of times on gusts, so reckon y'all are in the classroom ... [:/]

cool ... just let me know the "when".

Course itself ... what all?? ... I did Scott's first level course when he was in town that time.

As long as you are happy with yourself ... who cares what the rest of the world thinks?

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Lesson 1: Downwinders... :P

Seriously though, kudos for giving back and doing this course on VW repair... err canopy flight. :)

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Similar topics of instruction were covered as Scott Miller's old "basic" course. It was classroom only today, the winds were gusting over 20mph by 10am and we had low clouds. We're thinking about having the rescheduled review and drill dive jumps the third weekend in March. Once I'm able to nail down a weekend I'll make sure you know.
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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