The_Don 0 #401 June 17, 2009 Quote Quote I can smell the sweet scent of burning fuel already!!! The Don is coming?! He's talking Jet-A.I am NOT being loud. I'm being enthusiastic! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
micduran 0 #402 June 17, 2009 Load 2 just took off! Balloon slots are currently sold out. There might be an opportunity for some additional slots but we won't know that in advance. We still have helicopter slots available for Friday and Saturday (am and pm). I don't know anything about the Pirate night festivities. Any other questions? I will charge you $1 at registration. Be patient with the faults of others; they have to be patient with yours. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Thanatos340 1 #403 June 17, 2009 Quote Any other questions? I will charge you $1 at registration. So THAT is what the garter belt is for!! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sletzer 3 #404 June 17, 2009 Looks like the temp is climbing 10 degrees thursday, then another Friday! Well, at least it isn't the 103-105 we saw last year..... *crosses fingers* I'll be there tomorrow.I will be kissing hands and shaking babies all afternoon. Thanks for all your support! *bows* SCS #8251 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
McDuck 0 #405 June 17, 2009 Looks like there was enough of a clearing to put a few loads up today. I had to drive out past there towards Southern Pines before lunch, and it looked beautiful in the sky. Now, though, clouds seem to be holding court.Kevin - Sonic Beef #5 - OrFun #28 "I never take myself too seriously, 'cuz everybody know fat birds don't fly." - FLC Online communities: proof that people never mature much past high school. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
blueskiesbill 0 #406 June 17, 2009 woo hooo!!! arrived... what is this talk of pirate festivities??? Casa is here!!! the condemned convict climbs the highest peaks without fear Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DaGimp 0 #407 June 18, 2009 Quote woo hooo!!! arrived... what is this talk of pirate festivities??? Casa is here!!! Liar....that was the military Casa this morning. Our Casa isnt here yet. So....the weather suck but the pond ROCKS....only getting a little wet in it."Professor of Pimpology"~~~Bolas Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jumpingjunkie09 0 #408 June 18, 2009 Quote So....the weather suck but the pond ROCKS....only getting a little wet in it. LIAR!!!! You were soaked! Michelle and I are working the registration booth! Come say hi! I am "ROGUE" (III Degree Smutsketeer) Official "poster above you" thread starter "And don't forget we like men with balls and no needle dicks. So, basically, you're out." ~LuckyMcSwervy Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
McDuck 0 #409 June 18, 2009 I should be stopping by tomorrow afternoon, to say hi to all of my current and future friends. Kevin - Sonic Beef #5 - OrFun #28 "I never take myself too seriously, 'cuz everybody know fat birds don't fly." - FLC Online communities: proof that people never mature much past high school. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Snowwhite 0 #410 June 18, 2009 Quote Quote woo hooo!!! arrived... what is this talk of pirate festivities??? Casa is here!!! Liar....that was the military Casa this morning. Our Casa isnt here yet. So....the weather suck but the pond ROCKS....only getting a little wet in it. If you don't call him little, we won't either... or maybe the water in the pond is a bit Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DaGimp 0 #411 June 19, 2009 haha actually the pond is warm.....going across it all day today cause its H O T here today"Professor of Pimpology"~~~Bolas Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
micduran 0 #412 June 20, 2009 Quote I should be stopping by tomorrow afternoon, to say hi to all of my current and future friends. I got my hug. Thank you very much. Be patient with the faults of others; they have to be patient with yours. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DaGimp 0 #413 June 20, 2009 the planes are flying, the pond is beein swooped, and swam in, its all good times here....even though my leg looks like hamburger from the hard ass sand at the end of the pond..."Professor of Pimpology"~~~Bolas Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
popsjumper 2 #414 June 21, 2009 Quote As long as Pops isn't sitting there half-naked like yesterday. Now wait just a minute right there! My reality and yours are quite different. I think we're all Bozos on this bus. Falcon5232, SCS8170, SCSA353, POPS9398, DS239 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hparrish 0 #415 June 21, 2009 I heard this event was pretty lame. Most of the organizers bailed because their expenses were'nt covered and they were expected to pay both the registration fee and for their jumps. The regulars at Raeford were being strong armed into paying for the right to pack and set up tents at their own DZ. The Pitts Bi-Plane, Hot Air Baloon, and Casa were non shows. So why if there were little to no organizers and the fleet that was promised was not there was there still a $55 registration fee. This event sounds like it was weak, glad I stayed home.I also heard this event had nothing to do with and was not organized by Raeford Owners or Staff. Just to set the record straight there. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jimmytavino 16 #416 June 21, 2009 Quote I heard this event was pretty lame. Most of the organizers bailed because their expenses were'nt covered and they were expected to pay both the registration fee and for their jumps. The regulars at Raeford were being strong armed into paying for the right to pack and set up tents at their own DZ. The Pitts Bi-Plane, Hot Air Baloon, and Casa were non shows. So why if there were little to no organizers and the fleet that was promised was not there was there still a $55 registration fee. This event sounds like it was weak, glad I stayed home.I also heard this event had nothing to do with and was not organized by Raeford Owners or Staff. Just to set the record straight there. hell man!!!! I'm glad you stayed home TOO!!!!! what a lousey thing to say...!!It's NOT always about the specialty planes and the L O 's though such things ARE nice..It's about the people, and the vibe and the safe and fun dives which were to be had... The staff there, was hard working and friendly the SkyFest people and volunteers,,, likewise... you make of it,,, what you will... at ANY boogie.. Lift tickets were reasonable, lots of manufacturers and gear reps, worked hard to set up displays and offer their services to jumpers... and many many people worked hard to deliver a fun and safe time... as for the registration fee??? hmmm I dunno... no BIG deal... we got a NICE T -shirt out of it !!.. and while there i heard VERY LITTLE bitching or complaining... so??? what do YOU know???? not much..jmy Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
freefalle 0 #417 June 21, 2009 In response to hparrish I heard this event was pretty lame. Most of the organizers bailed because their expenses were'nt covered and they were expected to pay both the registration fee and for their jumps. I saw organizers there, I flew camera on big ways with Chuck Akers most of the weekend. He had to go Saturday because of a family emergency. I jumped with F.F. organizers all day Saturday The regulars at Raeford were being strong armed into paying for the right to pack and set up tents at their own DZ. I won't comment on this, because I wouldn't know what the hell I was talking about. The Pitts Bi-Plane, Hot Air Baloon, and Casa were non shows. It was announced that the bi-plane wasn't coming before this event started, sucks but people knew it wasn't going to be there. Hot Air balloon well that was there, I talked to several people who jumped out of it Helicopter yea that was there, I jumped out of it Casa-- well yea that sucked, it broke but shit happens. (Again I don't know the truth) however, I was told that the owner of the Casa offered to send a replacement aircraft (a king air or another otter) and was told not to bother. Although I am unable to verify the facts I was told that it was believed that the DZO told the aircraft owner not to send the plane so that theirs could keep flying Again, Thats just what I was told and I'm not going to get into a he said/she said debate with anyone So why if there were little to no organizers and the fleet that was promised was not there was there still a $55 registration fee. My biggest complaint about this event was the wait time to get on a load. I personally though it ludicrous to be told gear up and bring manifest your tickets, then when you got to manifest you were told it would be about 40 minutes before you boarded. I was told that policy was established by the DZ. It would have been a good policy it there were enough aircraft there so that you weren't standing around waiting for a plane for 40 minutes I must agree with you a registration fee of 55 dollars was high given the wait times for loads Friday and Saturday were pretty bad. This event sounds like it was weak, glad I stayed home.I also heard this event had nothing to do with and was not organized by Raeford Owners or Staff. Just to set the record straight there. You know, blame is going to be past by people as to why this event wasn't as good as it could have been the reality is it really makes no difference. I'm glad I went, I made good skydives, I met a bunch of really cool people, reunited with some old friends. Was the event everything I expected, NO but I'm not mad about it.... Chuck Bryan Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skymama 37 #418 June 21, 2009 The event isn't over, you didn't even go and you're posting just so you can talk negatively about it? Dude, that's not cool. Let the people who actually went to the boogie talk about it.She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man, because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TonyT 0 #419 June 21, 2009 You heard wrong. Blue Skies, Tony T Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
freefalle 0 #420 June 21, 2009 Quote You heard wrong. Blue Skies, Tony T I was hoping that was the case. Either way, over all I think the even was a success. I had a good time. Chuck Bryan Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hparrish 0 #421 June 22, 2009 So Dave Brown and the Paraclete Tunnel instructers were at the event? And the 20 way State HD record and HD Sequentials did happen? My problem is not with Tony or anyone at Raeford. My problem is with the event organizer. And yes I have oganized events in the past so I do know what I'm talking about. When you adverstise these organinzers and events are taking place to draw folks into the event, then there should be that kind of talent on hand. That's the only reason that I would have paid such a high registration fee. When I found out that these organizers cancelled because their expenses were not covered and they were expected to pay the event registration and for their jumps.........That just flat out pissed me off. Especially when the registration fee was still charged. I knew I'd take heat for posting this, but I'm sick Event Organizers expecting the talented skydivers in our sport to organize for free. Especiall those who have earned the right to have their costs covered. They are bringing folks to the event, that is their payment. I decided not to attend, even though I wanted too. Raeford is my home DZ. I'm sure the Boogie was very fun for those that did not have my same expectations. As always Raeford has a great vibe, and just haning out with friends there is enjoyment enough. But I'd rather jump there on a standard weekend. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JoeQ.Public 0 #422 June 22, 2009 I'm not sure about all the politics behind all of this,I'm sure there is lots. Regardless, people like you should stay home.Very soon, an honest person will not be able to sing the last 2 lines of our National Anthem:::Practice safe dining....use condiments Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SWATcop 0 #423 June 22, 2009 Quote My biggest complaint about this event was the wait time to get on a load. I personally though it ludicrous to be told gear up and bring manifest your tickets, then when you got to manifest you were told it would be about 40 minutes before you boarded. I was told that policy was established by the DZ. It would have been a good policy it there were enough aircraft there so that you weren't standing around waiting for a plane for 40 minutes I also thought that was a little ridiculous. I am not going to whine about the event but suffice to say it wasn't what I was expecting. I had the time off and the cash to jump for four days but after seeing how things were, I made two jumps got a refund on my other three tickets. I cut the trip short two days and just spent the time hanging with my non skydiver friends stationed up there.Kevin Muff Brother #4041 Team Dirty Sanchez #467 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Pokerstar 0 #424 June 22, 2009 Quote the planes are flying, the pond is beein swooped, and swam in, its all good times here....even though my leg looks like hamburger from the hard ass sand at the end of the pond... Dude, we told you how to fix your leg! (or at least get a matching rash on the other leg!) :) (Better looking than my foot, though)Fortunately, I'm adhering to a pretty strict, uh, drug, uh, regimen to keep my mind, you know, uh, limber. --- The Dude --- Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Vertifly 0 #425 June 22, 2009 I agree entirely with hparrish. No, I did not go to the event. However, I had a planned to be a significant part of it this year. Instead, my personal and business experience with the owner of this event is a real turn-off. The business takes advantage of a lot of people, both fun-jumper and dropzone owner. A lot of my friends who run a respectable dropzone business have been messed over by this guy. The lameness of the ownership of this event and poor business practice makes me hope that this boogie is on its final approach. Skyfest is an anchor tied to the leg of this sport instead of a boost in support of skydiving. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites