
SkyFest 09 June 15th – 22nd Raeford N. Carolina, Celebrating our 9th year of donating skydives!

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We had planes, we had weather, we had organizers not bitching about not getting paid, we had some nice presentations, SCR's, Muff Brother jumps, inflatables, balloons, BEER!!!, good food, good smoothies, good friends, GOOD TIMES!!! oh... a tree landing or two as well...some cutaway main chasing...we jumped.
you bitches didn't find it in yourselves to show up and yet you have the gall to complain.
It WAS a good boogie!

Bolas.... again???? :P:P:P:P

Now that's just funny.

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We had planes, we had weather, we had organizers not bitching about not getting paid, we had some nice presentations, SCR's, Muff Brother jumps, inflatables, balloons, BEER!!!, good food, good smoothies, good friends, GOOD TIMES!!! oh... a tree landing or two as well...some cutaway main chasing...we jumped.
you bitches didn't find it in yourselves to show up and yet you have the gall to complain.
It WAS a good boogie!

Bolas.... again???? :P:P:P:P

I landed under 4 different canopies. All mains so :P
Stupidity if left untreated is self-correcting
If ya can't be good, look good, if that fails, make 'em laugh.

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We had planes, we had weather, we had organizers not bitching about not getting paid, we had some nice presentations, SCR's, Muff Brother jumps, inflatables, balloons, BEER!!!, good food, good smoothies, good friends, GOOD TIMES!!! oh... a tree landing or two as well...some cutaway main chasing...we jumped.
you bitches didn't find it in yourselves to show up and yet you have the gall to complain.
It WAS a good boogie!

Bolas.... again???? :P:P:P:P

I landed under 4 different canopies. All mains so :P

Well, I hope you bought beer because that had to be a first... :P:P:P

Just joking... glad you had fun!! B|
Always be kinder than you feel.

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why didnt all the LO's show .... because its all about the money to them and not helping out the new generation of skydivers .... i do not know this for sure but i am just going to assume, considering one didnt show but had coach jumps on the website for sale .... maybe he didnt sell enough [:/]

seriously tho you ask why didnt everyone show ... have you ever been to a music festival .... there are always some pre madonnas who dont show becasue they feel like there 'needs' are not being met... well u know what --- im glad you werent there even though it would have been nice to have the shitters smell like roses:P

the casa didnt show --- OMG lets all go to J's house and egg it!!! I bet you he snuck out one night and broke that piece of the casa that rendered it stuck on the tarmac... i mean cmon now people how many times have you gone to ur local DZ and shit is shut down because the plane is broke down...

Did i bitch at skyfest? I SURE DID!!! mother nature was pissing me off something fierce!!!! but the festival was what is was....

Like i siad in an interview that may get posted: I was not upset with Skyfest, the organizer of Skyfest, the DZO for skyfest, what i was upset with was the skydiving community!! it is up to us to make these events what they are, or what they can be ... not one man or one dz .... I was really disappointed at the amount of people who stayed home and bitched instead of coming out and living it up....(i think a couple are on here now posting)

So to end this I had a great time, met some great people, made some great jumps, got really drunk, enjoyed the hell out of those smoothies, learned alot from booth, saw the skyhook cutaway a number of times, had some awesome line twists, jumped out of a helicopter, balloon, pac, and an otter .... but hey I guess it was a shitty boogie because a couple douchebags who didnt show up say so ...

blue skies to all ( and i mean all )
Thanks J and all who came out and made the best of what was around

the condemned convict climbs the highest peaks without fear

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We had planes, we had weather, we had organizers not bitching about not getting paid, we had some nice presentations, SCR's, Muff Brother jumps, inflatables, balloons, BEER!!!, good food, good smoothies, good friends, GOOD TIMES!!! oh... a tree landing or two as well...some cutaway main chasing...we jumped.
you bitches didn't find it in yourselves to show up and yet you have the gall to complain.
It WAS a good boogie!

Bolas.... again???? :P:P:P:P

Actually It was RW with the skyhook system, letting people do an intentional cutaway.....only a few tree landings for the mains...
"Professor of Pimpology"~~~Bolas

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Oh...and Bill Booth WAS there, he may not have given a seminar, but he did show some cool ass old time videos....and if you wanted some insight from him....sit down and talk to him like i did for about an hour.
"Professor of Pimpology"~~~Bolas

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I had a great time at SKyfest and look forward to seeing you all again soon!! Thanks for a great time and really fun auction / party sat. night!;)

It must have been one heck of a party. I have pictures of an RV parked by the pea pit sunday morning...


I saw it happen first hand!! Stumbling to my bed...there is was..rollin on Gene Pauls lawn!!! HAHAHA!!!B|B|B|B|

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They're lucky Miss Billie didn't snipe them all as they worked. Dangerous stuff, messing with her land.
Kevin - Sonic Beef #5 - OrFun #28
"I never take myself too seriously, 'cuz everybody know fat birds don't fly." - FLC
Online communities: proof that people never mature much past high school.

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Those videos shown by Bill Booth were cool, and his stories were even cooler! Gave me some serious insight to the olden days. Missed the Pitts and Casa, but you can't help when parts break on aircraft. Next time I'm staying in a RV- my GOD it was hotttttt! It was great to meet everyone. I had a good time. :)

I will be kissing hands and shaking babies all afternoon. Thanks for all your support! *bows*

SCS #8251

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Skyfest WAS great! I drove over 700 miles. It was worth it!

As a new maggot to the sport (Around 30 jumps as of arriving at skyfest), I am appreciative of those that helped me with different skills, advice on canopies and gear. I would definitely like to say that those are the types of people that we should all be thankful for. They give to the sport and helped it grow. People like that have helped every one of us at some point or another. I strive to be competent enough to help others enjoy what we do some day as well.

It was a blast...
-The heli, Pac, and Otter jumps were fun.
-The Golden Knights helped many and we also enjoyed the night pyro demo.
-Bill Booth's movies were cool. (Corny music, the first camera flyers and BASE jumpers, stories of backwards tandem sex rigs, flying Cats, safety meetings, etc...)
-We ended up soaking up the history with him over a few beers until 1:00 in the morning at the hotel.
-Gonzo, Andy, EG from EG suits, Jimmy Travino (remember, I wasn't low, everyone else floated) and others helped drag my sorry ass into a 10 way for my SCR. (Then poured about 30 cases of beer on us)
-J Schrimsher's mom is a trip... Signed my log book with her USPA number (you have to know what it is)
-Jimmy T's excellent "Phantom Man" speech.
-Getting less than half off a new custom Wings Container and a Skyfest Alti at the auction.
-Those slushi's should be mandatory at all Summer boogies. The food tent and the DZ Dinner had good stuff.
- Got advice from Cookie with Cookie Composites
- Tony fixed my, er... His RW suit by adjusting straps on the suit. (The Rigging loft let him use their sewing machines) I gave them both beer. Thanks!
- Great canopy advice from Tony Thacker.
-I was unscathed from losing my off-landing-virginity Saturday to a pine in a trailer park.(Man it was still a little too windy)
-20 Minutes at Paraclete XP Skyventure with Selwyn.
-Meeting all the various Muff Brothers, Rodriguez Brothers, Anvil, Team Dirty Sanchez, etc... They were all a hoot.
-I don't remember who had the moonshine at the big tent Saturday night... but it was good.

Thanks so much, J, Raeford, Paraclete, and everyone else for making this a great time.


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I second Livedon's sentiments.I too am a new jumper, with 30 jumps and I flew from Minneapolis to SkyFest and enjoyed every minute of my week there. From my first jump out of a Pac, to watching the Golden Knights, to being invited to jump with a few of the Golden Knights. The people and vendors were great, watching Bill Booths movies and listening to him were a fantastic history lesson!

How many other new jumpers can say they had Bill Booth sign off on one of their A license requirements? How freakin cool is that!

Even after breaking my foot in one of the tree-landings on Saturday, the care and help I was given by the other jumpers, DZ folks and J was top notch! I only wish the darn ER had been quicker so I could have made it back for the auction and party!

I will certainly be back next year, hopefully without the damn boot on my foot!

(edited for spelling)
Fortunately, I'm adhering to a pretty strict, uh, drug, uh, regimen to keep my mind, you know, uh, limber.
--- The Dude ---

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Wishing I got to see you again Jake! Glad you had a good time! So who were the lucky winners of the Scholarship $? It would be so cool to see a list of all of the winners over the years, and to see what they have done with their skydiving careers!

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Wishing I got to see you again Jake! Glad you had a good time! So who were the lucky winners of the Scholarship $? It would be so cool to see a list of all of the winners over the years, and to see what they have done with their skydiving careers!

I won one of the scholarships - 3 free coach jumps! Can't wait to use them!
Fortunately, I'm adhering to a pretty strict, uh, drug, uh, regimen to keep my mind, you know, uh, limber.
--- The Dude ---

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Wishing I got to see you again Jake! Glad you had a good time! So who were the lucky winners of the Scholarship $? It would be so cool to see a list of all of the winners over the years, and to see what they have done with their skydiving careers!

I won one of the scholarships - 3 free coach jumps! Can't wait to use them!

Very Cool! It would be wonderful to follow the careers of the recipients! 30K is a lot of frigging jumps! There must be a lot of happy jumpers out there!
Let us know how your progression goes!

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Maybe you should meet and get a chance to know Dave Brown before you make public announcements calling him and others douchebags. Maybe even ask him his side of the story instead of telling everyone on an online forum that "its all about the money to them and not helping out the new generation of skydivers".

I've known Dave for about three years now and I'm he'd be pretty receptive to an inquiring PM from you if you care to ask him, his DZ.com account name is 'freeflydave'.

If you'd like to know more, you can find a list of some of his accomplishments here:


When I read that list, I see someone who has given back much more to the sport, and done so much more to advance it, than anybody I know who went to Skyfest.
108 way head down world record!!!
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im sure he is and i am not saying he is not .... the only reason i used his name was because he was the only one that i 'knew' of because i saw his name on the registration form, and i was one of the people that bought two of his slots, because i knew he was very highly regarded in freeflying and i am aware that i have a lot to learn, so why not from the best....

I am sure everyone and everything that was not at skyfest had a reason why they or it was not there .... It just shows who really cares about our sport when they "show up"

That being said i am not personally attacking Dave, mostly because i have never met him, so therefore dont know him, i simply used his name in referencing all that did not show .... maybe he is the only one that did not show with a valid excuse .... but one thing that can be said is that alot didnt show up and not that many grandmothers died in one week ... so some were being bitches ... And when people are on here bitching about being compensated for a hotel room and jumps makes me think well hmm what do those LO's that were supposed to show up that didnt really care about??!! Because i am sorry but a tent costs about 50 dollars and as far as food and beer well anyone would have helped out with that one (I mean the russian cooked a whole pig and fed practically everyone!!), and jump slots .... please i have paid my fair share of a highly experienced jumpers slot so that they could jump with me and give me some insight ...

this rant could go on forever .... if you were there and you want to disagree on some things that went on at skyfest ... then post again and we can talk ... but if you are just being an armchair reviewer then stay out of this forum .... you are not wanted and no one missed you at skyfest ... where we had a great time ....

once again blue skies to all!!!!

the condemned convict climbs the highest peaks without fear

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Apparently posting a thank you is the same as the event announcement as far as a moderator is concerned, so here's a re-post for your reading pleasure. I don't get how I was wasting bandwidth with a new thread but somehow I'm not by posting here.:S

Just a quick note to say what a great time I had at my first SkyFest. I had the pleasure of being an RW organizer for this 9th year of the event. I had to leave on short notice and couldn't say goodbye, so here we go.

Everyone from the front office folks for Skyfest to the manifestors and pilots that chugged away in the heat get a big hats off here. Running the show is pretty thankless at times, and the SkyFest and Raeford teams deserve credit for keeping everything running smoothly in spite of the usual problems along the way.

J Schrimsher deserves kudos for keeping his eye on the ball. All week long, conversations with J would eventually return to the young jumper and the core purpose of SkyFest. That kind of dedication is lost in much of the skydiving industry these days. Keep it up, J. I'll gladly organize for you again next year if you'll have me.

To the Knights and 82nd Airborne demo teams - thanks for showing us a bit of what goes on in your world. It was fun watching you do your thing and sharing ideas. And I must admit, following two Knights last out on a 16-way will make you work for your supper.

And to everyone that I had the pleasure of jumping with - thank you, thank you, thank you!! You were all so patient and focused on having a good time that it made organizing a boatload of fun! To Chuck Bryan and Scott Smith - thanks for the video work. Your contributions can not be overstated. And to the low timers on the loads, congrats!! I was pretty amazed how good y'all were and how well you handled bigger skydives. It was a true honor to have had the opportunity to play with all of you in the air.

I hope to see everyone next year. Thanks for showing me how special SkyFest is.

Chuck Akers
Houston, TX

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I was at Skyfest, and last year - AWESOME, this year NOT EVEN SORTOF AWESOME.

If the event is meant to only focus on newer jumpers, great, then don't tell me that there will be TONS of organizers in EVERY discipline and then when I get there I get nada.

Someone above said they jumped with freefly organizerS all day saturday: there was only one organizer (the badass Brad from skyventure Colorado who thanks to SVCO came as a vendor) and trying to get jumps with him was tough given the high demand on his time. As an aside, he is the ONLY reason I paid the $55 registration fee once I heard that there were going to be no other organizers in my discipline.

And then to blame the "no-show" organizers for poor event planning: you must be correct, I'm sure that they are all mean and nasty "newby hating" LOs who don't get out of bed for less than $500 a day. Think about it for a moment: should it be expected that an organizer who is a draw for your event (bringing you additional business) should not only pay their expenses to get there, and to stay there (fine its a charity I could even see that), - but asking them to shell out close to $1000 to do work jumps is just insane (think about the cost of 8-10 jumps a day for 5-7 days at 24 a jump - shit adds up and thats not even talking a packer). I guess they are all douchebag assholes for not being made of money so that they could all afford a $4000 trip to raeford to work.

Now, talking about everything else: ever heard "plan the dive, dive the plan"?? I completely agree with whoever above said that you'd be pissed if you showed up at a concert and half the bands weren't there. The website was never updated with changes (and I'm talking changes that occurred before the event started) and nothing was done to soften the blow of all the different no-shows.

I know there are 3 sides to every story, but it seems very very strange that all the past DZs tell the exact same story about what happened and that none want anything to do with this boogie again. I'm sure that its because they hate new skydivers and cannot stand the idea of giving back to the sport. That must be it.

EDIT: I do want to make sure that I say a big hell yeah to the vendors, volunteers and the DZ staff - while the boogie itself seemed to be scattered and all over the place (it really felt like it had been thrown together in a week) the vendors were KICK ASS as always, and the volunteers and staff rocked out in the heat and humidity with smiles on the whole time!!!
- ever the spazz

Your work is to discover your world, and then with all your heart, give yourself to it...

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