US Military bases with recreational jumping?

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In another thread someone asserted:

"Some military bases have skydiving clubs where jumps are pretty cheap."

While I don't doubt that this was once true, I can't find any today.

Are there any US military bases which have recreational jumping clubs/programs? If so, which ones?

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I started jumping at the ft. campbell sport club back in 1980. dues were $10 a month. BUT afaik all the military clubs are now a thing of the past. bummer
i have on occasion been accused of pulling low . My response. Naw I wasn't low I'm just such a big guy I look closer than I really am .

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There used to be several but they all fell one by one. There were DZs at Fort Lewis, Fort Polk, Fort Campbell, Fort Bragg, and Camp Casey, Korea, that I know of. There were probably more than that. Seems like Fort Benning would have been a likely candidate to have had a sport parachute club There were actually three sport parachute clubs at Fort Bragg at times. Most or all operated military aircraft and were run by MWR programs. They had low overhead and had very good prices. All have gone away, doubtful to ever return. :(


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It would be nice if we could get a military club started again..

I will offer to any one at Ft Benning that wants to jump, they can come try out for the SILVER WINGS. We could always use the body's. Not to mention "FREE" SkydivesB| There really not very free... You would have to work for 'emB| But, then again really how much work is skydiving??

Jump'n out of those thing.... wait what are they called..?? Oh yeah "River Rafts"

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I managed to make a couple of jumps years ago with military clubs at Camp Casey, Camp Humphreys, Helemano on Oahu, Okinawa with the USMC and Ft Carson. Had a good time at each but none were very serious drop zones at the time due to limited "blade time" (read helicoptor availability)...and getting lots of jumps was a challenge. Great time never the less...

I have not seen a military club in my travels for many years however.

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