
West Plains Skydiving May 21st - 25th

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I'm hoping to sneak out of work in 30 minutes....but in reality it'll be at least an hour. Argh!

I can't wait for tomorrow!!!

And Granny.....we will be staying close to Doc and Cindy....I'm so blaming them for ANY noise that is heard. I'm all sweet and innocent! I swear!!!

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I'm hoping to sneak out of work in 30 minutes....but in reality it'll be at least an hour. Argh!

I can't wait for tomorrow!!!

And Granny.....we will be staying close to Doc and Cindy....I'm so blaming them for ANY noise that is heard. I'm all sweet and innocent! I swear!!!


good thinkin! looks like we will all be campin by them ... just remember its ALL Doc and Cindy
(I.C.D#2 VP)
""I'm good with my purple penis straw" ~sky mama

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I'm hoping to sneak out of work in 30 minutes....but in reality it'll be at least an hour. Argh!

I can't wait for tomorrow!!!

And Granny.....we will be staying close to Doc and Cindy....I'm so blaming them for ANY noise that is heard. I'm all sweet and innocent! I swear!!!

John and I are staying in the trailer with Doc and Cindy so in reality if you hear any noise..... It most likely ain't gonna be them makin' it! :D:D:D:D
You better get yourself some super duper heavy duty ear plugs! ;)
See you all in the morning!!

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Sorry for the delay in replying. I was out for the week.

Scott....it was so great to meet you!!! I felt bad that I didn't get to say goodbye to you. I hope your packing is getting easier. Thanks for the awesome pictures. Hope your FIRST boogie was a great one!!!

Millertime....thank you for the GREAT video!!! I LOVED jumping the helicopter with you.

Ladydyver.....ROCKING boogie. You did a stellar job.

Valinda....great shirts!!!! Thanks so much for printing those up. It was awesome to get to meet you and John.

I got the job up in Spokane so I'll be visiting ALL of the Washington DZ's often!

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Here is a link to some pics I took from the ground.


Thanks so much for posting the pics. There are a few of me that hopefully are the last of their kind. I think I've finally made friends with my canopy...... 9 jumps in a row without ending up rolling in the dirt. Hooray!!!
"safety first... and What the hell.....
safety second, Too!!! " ~~jmy

POPS #10490

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Here is a link to some pics I took from the ground.


Thanks so much for posting the pics. There are a few of me that hopefully are the last of their kind. I think I've finally made friends with my canopy...... 9 jumps in a row without ending up rolling in the dirt. Hooray!!!

That is fantastic! How did you end up solving the problem?

-Skootz/Lucky: No problem I enjoyed you guys letting me document my time jumping with you there.
Muff #5048

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Here is a link to some pics I took from the ground.


Thanks so much for posting the pics. There are a few of me that hopefully are the last of their kind. I think I've finally made friends with my canopy...... 9 jumps in a row without ending up rolling in the dirt. Hooray!!!

That is fantastic! How did you end up solving the problem?

-Skootz/Lucky: No problem I enjoyed you guys letting me document my time jumping with you there.

I'm not sure just what happened, but I've always had a tendency to flare high when I got excited and the ground was coming at a pretty exciting speed at first. It seems I've gotten used to seeing the ground coming faster. Then, with lots of practice in the air and on the ground, Im consistently finishing my flare and I hadn't been doing that before. The Pilot is a lot easier to flare than my Triathlon was.
"safety first... and What the hell.....
safety second, Too!!! " ~~jmy

POPS #10490

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oh my gosh...thank you so much for taking all of those pics. I hope that you enjoyed your time here at our little dz...next event will be 4-way scrambles...will be posting about it soon.
DPH # 2
"I am not sure what you are suppose to do with that, but I don't think it is suppose to flop around like that." ~Skootz~
I have a strong regard for the rules.......doc!

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