
Panama Boogie: jump over the Panama Canal!!!

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PANAMA BOOGIE 2009 (Panama in Central America, not Panama City, FL :S)

Hello everyone! The Panama boogie is coming up- April 16TH,17TH,18TH,19TH / 2009. Make reservations to travel coming down April 15th and returning April 20th.

Boogie Registration fees: $40.00 per person (one time fee) and Jump Tickets will be sold at the boogie for $38.00 per jump. Nothing is cheap anymore.


We have checked with Spirit Airline for round trip tickets. You can join Spirit Airlines for $9.00 and fly for $20.00 to $40.00 almost anytime. Check it out for your flights.

Log on to my "Book Your Travel" link, Spirit Airline or Copa Airlines out of Miami.

""""""""Hotel/Resort RESERVATIONS"""""""""""


The password is Panama Skydive Group. Please mention this in the email to him your with this group.

Please do the following: 1. Email Abdiel as stated and let him know the amount of people in the room 1 thur 4 persons. 2. Give him the credit card information for the room guarantee. 3. let him know the dates between April 15th and the 20th you will be staying, if all the days put 5, if 3 put 3. etc. 3. The room rate is $54.00 per night per person regardless of the amount of people in the rooms.
This resort is all inclusive, food & drink's 24-7and that is included in the price of the room.


Our taxi man will be at the airport to pick you up. The cost is $50.00 per person to the resort and $50.00 per person back to the airport. The trip one way is 1.5 hour's at which time you will pass the Panama Canal and several other sites.The rates for 5 or more people will be $30.00 per person to and from the airport.

Please let us know the flight you are on to arrange your pick up

-----------"Party Time"----------

Saturday night we will have a beach party at the private beach club in Playablanca. The THEME is "Skydive Masquerade". Anything goes so use your imagination. Best dressed contest.

Email MontePol@GMAIL.com Please do this soon so we don't miss anyone. Panama cell: Monte 507-640-62901 or Eloy 507-667-95440.

We have confirmed this year's Organizers:

US- Lyle Presse - RW
Peru-Fernando Gallegos- RW.

We have more to add in the coming days

Luis Prinetto Free Fly Groups

The Venezuelan group will be coming with ALI HAGE & TONY

NOTE: We will have packers for anyone who is interested that doesn't want to PACK. "Make sure your PACKING CARD is in DATE". Reserve packs are $50.00


This year we will be doing a Panama Challenge, one day event held on Friday, D license only unless you have a Pro license. The areas we will be landing at will be challenging and exciting. This is a three jump challenge and you will be filled in on the details at the event. Hint one landing area will be at the Panama Canal! This event will take place, weather permitting and the cost will be per person $100.00 plus $30.00 per flight x 3. This event will be lots of fun for the adventurer. From Island's to Beach's to the Panama Canal and who knows were else!

Our prizes this year will be: 1st place- Alti-2, Oxygn or Jump Suit By Wind Line for the Panama Challenge winner.We also have prizes for the participants as well so no one is left out.

We will have prizes for best dressed jumpsuit / including crazy hats as well remember you have to jump with your attire to be a legal candidate, have fun with it and use your imagination. Rules will be explained prior to lift off.

We have Beach landing's all day if you desire.

Leave comment's if you have questions or e-mail us for any questions. Montepol@gmail.com, eloy107@gmail.com

Have a Great Day and see you in PANAMA!

Stay tuned for more information, it is up dated as we get it.

MEN: you can't live with 'em, you can't shoot 'em, but you can act psychotic and keep 'em off balance.

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