
San Jose CA - where to jump

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The closest DZ to San Jose, ca Would be Byron, ive never jumped there but have heard that wind is a regular problem there, Again Just what ive heard, you could go to parachute center in lodi, usually pretty busy on weekends and jumps are damn cheap out of excellent aircraft... its about 1:45 mins from san jose but well worth the drive...

hope that helps....

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I jump out at Byron (www.bayareaskydiving) and it's probably the closest to you. Winds shouldn't be an issue this time of year, but that depends on what you are used to. There is nothing but land out there anyway. If you land on an obstacle it's because you tried to hard :P

Anyway, there are lots of good people out there, good vibe and some RW organizers.

That being said you really can't go wrong with any of the NorCal DZ's. If you are looking for turbine fun try Skydance in Davis, CA, parachute center in Lodi...to name a few DZ's i'm familiar with.

Have fun and be safe.

Blue Skies

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Hollister is 15 miles closer to "San Jose" (per google) than Byron. It's far less prone to high winds. But I read that Byron just dropped their jump tix to $17, so that's a pretty big plus, and I like both places. Biggest knock against Hollister is the LZ is 8 miles from the airport, so you get to take a van ride every time.

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