
2009 USPA National Skydiving Championships

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question before i hop on a plane:

If 4-way continues to wednesday, will the 8-way draw be moved to wed. night, with a start on thursday?

Check the SCM to be sure.

Registration deadlines (close of) don't change.
However, they can put up 8-way loads before finishing 4-way.
They won't run both of those events concurrently.

Oh and have fun, Andi.

Make It Happen
Parachute History

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yeah, and i know there are some teams that are doing 8-way only, thus having the draw tuesday night and not starting till thursday could open the door for some ethical issues, for those unscrupulous ones.

Anyway, off to the airport. hopefully the good weather holds. it's raining here in SD, maybe we took it away :P

Never meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup!

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yeah, and i know there are some teams that are doing 8-way only, thus having the draw tuesday night and not starting till thursday could open the door for some ethical issues, for those unscrupulous ones.

Anyway, off to the airport. hopefully the good weather holds. it's raining here in SD, maybe we took it away :P

The way it is usually done is to get a 'complete meet' (ie 1 round completed) in each event when the WX looks bad.
So they might run 1 round of 8-way and then go back & finish 4-way.
WX for Fri looks much better & 8-way can jump that day, but not 4-way.
They could also hold off on 8-way until 4-way completes.
It's up to the meet director.

Make It Happen
Parachute History

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...and i know there are some teams that are doing 8-way only, thus having the draw tuesday night and not starting till thursday could open the door for some ethical issues...

What ethical issues? Other than you're not supposed to do any practice jumps after the draw, right? I'd guess there's maybe something about tunnel too now... or maybe not... but its not like there's a lot of tunnels laying around you can do 8-way in.

If a team wants to creep for two days... :S... I'd suppose that's okay? B|

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8way draw is tonight, Wed. 14th.

Wed. Oct. 14th-
First loads just took off, 8:55am, Intermediate has 5 rounds left and Int. and Open have 6 rounds left. We should be able to finish today with the weather report.
Round 6 is what everyone is waiting for. Maybe a World Record coming up.
Remember to check out http://www.uspanationals.com/ for new updates thru out the day.

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Another request for the site: can you link the judges scorecard to the result page? It would be nice to know why a team scores low on certain round.. And the cards are good indicators of that.

Yes, I miss this too from the Omniskore days. :(

All and all though, this new system / website is good... once one finds their way to the info they're looking for, its more buried than it was on Onmi.

The live feed is fun to watch when they're playing the judges feed or when they have the camera set-up on a tripod. When they're out walking around with the camera, its too jittery to watch for long without getting disinterested and the feed seems to break-up a lot, but there's some potential there with some better gear and better camera work.

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Hi all,

Thanks for following along with the happenings at Nationals, and thanks to DQ for helping keep everyone up to date! As the blogger for the first week of the event, I really appreciate the feedback. Several of you have asked for FS scorecards online and Omniskore-like team pages, but right now that's not auto-created from CamScore. They're great, helpful people with a system that's fantastic in a lot of ways, and they've just spent a week chattering with Tim Wagner on how to make it even better, but some of the requests for changes are not going to happen by the end of this year's Nationals.

However, I assure you that after sitting next to Jo and Andrew of Cametrix for a week, they are listening quite closely to all the suggestions and they're probably going to go home with their heads spinning like tops with all the ideas!

Did you happen to see Tim's comparison of CamScore and Omniskore on the Nationals blog? Good reading.

Blue Skies!

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After seeing Camscore in action and reading everything here, i think the small gripes you're seeing aren't necessarily about CamScore vs. OmniSkore (the actual systems), but are more probably due to the design of the uspanationals.com website itself.

Yes, it LOOKS great, but finding things is a bit of a challenge, and you get the sense that things we want front and center are buried a bit by the glitzy graphics and/or link mazes.

My first suggestion would be to add text below the link icons at the top of the page, or put them to the side in a list or bullet-type format. I can't speak for anyone else, but i didn't memorize what the little icons meant, and mousing over them every time was a bit tedious. I know all that info is on the front page, but there's just something about the format that doesn't lend itself to easy usage.

Anyway, you guys did a great job, and honestly, it's your first time hosting nationals, and we're being harsh and comparing it to DZs/hosting teams who have several events under their belts. What's old hat to the SD AZ (for example) team is new to you guys, and i thought it went well. Registration, in particular, was VERY efficient, and it was great to have the waiver online and printable to bring with me.

Also, an air conditioned packing/hangout area was awesome :P Though the humidity left me wondering how any of you people could be crazy enough to actually CHOOSE to live there ;)

Never meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup!

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Yes, thanks for the good work and taking on folks suggestions. Like BBabe said, I think some of it had to do with the organization of the website itself and not really CamScore.

I was a little disappointed though to tune into the Live feed yesterday and see that the ChatRoom was in serious need of some moderation. :( I'm not sure if there's a mechanism to do that though?

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I can't speak for anyone else, but i didn't memorize what the little icons meant, and mousing over them every time was a bit tedious.

You're kidding right? It was tedious to drag your mouse 10 inches?:D:D:D
You didn't even have to click on the icons to get where you want.

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I can't speak for anyone else, but i didn't memorize what the little icons meant, and mousing over them every time was a bit tedious.

You're kidding right? It was tedious to drag your mouse 10 inches?:D:D:D
You didn't even have to click on the icons to get where you want.

you're kidding right? It was tedious to even read my comments? You didn't even get to the praises, apparently.

Look, part of being a leader or host is the ability to take constructive criticism, not as a slam, but as ideas to make it better. You really don't have to get all defensive about it.
Never meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup!

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Hey BikerBabe,

Thanks for your comments, and we will definitely take them into consideration next time around. The site is very pretty, but if it's confusing to use then something will need to be tweaked in the future.

I really appreciate your kind words about the event and I'm glad to hear that your experience on-site was good. That air-conditioned packing area is fantastic; I don't know how we ever got along with it at its old size (about half the width it is now, no satellite manifest). The humidity can be wretched in south Texas, but that room really makes it quite bearable!

I'm not on Dropzone.com a lot anymore (it's a great site, but it is also a very effective time vampire :P ), but if you have any other comments please email them to manifest@skydivespaceland.com and they will be considered. Remster, you too, or anyone else. :)

Blue Skies!

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Hey ZigZagMarquis (nice handle, btw :)
Thanks for your comments--we'll work on making the website simpler to get around next time. As for the live feed--that wasn't my responsibility, but we did have someone on staff participating in that discussion almost constantly for the first several days. I'm off the DZ (back home) for the rest of the event, but it's quite possible that the monitor took a skydiving break here and there, and when the cat's away... you know. Skydivers will play. I'll pass your comments along and see what we can do about a more constant babysitter.

Thanks again!

Blue Skies!

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This post is not a reflection on SpaceLand Skydiving but more of a slap towards USPA.

I enjoy the sport skydiving as a whole but i would like to see whole Nationals event posted at the site.

When RW events were going on u could get enough Live and Realtime Scores. After RW the realtime scores and Live feeds have slowed. They have yet to show Rounds 5-7 of the 3way FreeFly and 0 of the FreeStyle. There are people that would love to see the rest of these events, this definitely was not the case for RW.

Again I think Spaceland has done a killer job with the event, but all the events have not been fairly displayed.

Please tell me I am wrong..

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http://www.chron.com/disp/story.mpl/headline/metro/6677469.htmlNice article in today's Houston Chronicle. The paper edition had a picture of a videographer filming a 16-way team

And yeah, I noticed the blogging seems to have gone away. I haven't been paying attention to whether the scores are going up quickly because, well, I do RW...

Wendy P.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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I don't know why you replied to me but I don't run or have anything to do with that site.
As for all the event's not being fairly displayed, you are wrong, all scores are being posted. And that is what matters at Nationals the scores not if you can watch them on demand, in the past you were lucky to see the winning teams top scoring round. Be happy with what is available, I know that's hard for skydivers.;)

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Hey BikerBabe,

Thanks for your comments, and we will definitely take them into consideration next time around. The site is very pretty, but if it's confusing to use then something will need to be tweaked in the future.

I really appreciate your kind words about the event and I'm glad to hear that your experience on-site was good. That air-conditioned packing area is fantastic; I don't know how we ever got along with it at its old size (about half the width it is now, no satellite manifest). The humidity can be wretched in south Texas, but that room really makes it quite bearable!

I'm not on Dropzone.com a lot anymore (it's a great site, but it is also a very effective time vampire :P ), but if you have any other comments please email them to manifest@skydivespaceland.com and they will be considered. Remster, you too, or anyone else. :)

It would have been nice if some video of the 10-way had been posted.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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This post is not a reflection on SpaceLand Skydiving but more of a slap towards USPA.

I enjoy the sport skydiving as a whole but i would like to see whole Nationals event posted at the site.

When RW events were going on u could get enough Live and Realtime Scores. After RW the realtime scores and Live feeds have slowed. They have yet to show Rounds 5-7 of the 3way FreeFly and 0 of the FreeStyle. There are people that would love to see the rest of these events, this definitely was not the case for RW.

Again I think Spaceland has done a killer job with the event, but all the events have not been fairly displayed.

Please tell me I am wrong..

Anything and everything on the web are bonus points.
There is no obligation to put anything on the web.
OmniSkore! did it for years because it was part of the system.
OmniSkore! posts each score as soon as the judges confirm it.
I'll bet the next time you see Camscore it will post automatically too.
The live feed is GREAT, but I'm sure it cost Spaceland a pretty penny.
There were a few glitches with audio and cuing up dives, but for the first attempt you really cannot complain.

Make It Happen
Parachute History

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