
230.000 US$ price money DUBAI MEET

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The "International Parachuting Championships and Gulf Cup" takes place 06.Jan-18.Jan on the Palm Tree Island in Dubai. Disciplines are 4-Way, Swoop and Accuracy. Total price money is announced with 230.000 US$.
More information you find here: http://www.emiratesaviation.org

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ENTRY FEE: Includes accommodation, meals from dinner on day of arrival 06th January
2010 breakfast on departure day 18th January 2010, transport from/to Dubai International
Airport, local transportation, all competition jumps and one orientation jump.
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ENTRY FEE: Includes accommodation, meals from dinner on day of arrival 06th January
2010 breakfast on departure day 18th January 2010, transport from/to Dubai International
Airport, local transportation, all competition jumps and one orientation jump.

12 days of hotel, meals and jumping for $600? Sounds like a cheap boogie if you ask me! lol

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ENTRY FEE: Includes accommodation, meals from dinner on day of arrival 06th January
2010 breakfast on departure day 18th January 2010, transport from/to Dubai International
Airport, local transportation, all competition jumps and one orientation jump.

12 days of hotel, meals and jumping for $600? Sounds like a cheap boogie if you ask me! lol

Beach jumps too. B| I wonder if you actually have to compete or can just fun jump? :)

Think they'd suspect something if your 4 way team was all wearing shorts and T-shirts? :P
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12 days of hotel, meals and jumping for $600? Sounds like a cheap boogie if you ask me! lol

The Emirati's might be paying a pretty penny to attract some unusual entertainment. They seem to be really big spenders there, in so many areas.

Those who know what's going on in the UAE, especially Dubai, from the palm islands to the 818 meter Burj Dubai tower, nonwithstanding their current real estate crunch (so construction of everything have slowed down), they are still big spenders, big time...

That said, make sure it's real -- $600 for meals/hotel/jumping all-inclusive for 12 days -- get the event verified from multiple sources. It looks pretty legit though, and the emails seem to lead to the Emirati's version of FAA.

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ENTRY FEE: Includes accommodation, meals from dinner on day of arrival 06th January
2010 breakfast on departure day 18th January 2010, transport from/to Dubai International
Airport, local transportation, all competition jumps and one orientation jump.

12 days of hotel, meals and jumping for $600? Sounds like a cheap boogie if you ask me! lol

Beach jumps too. B| I wonder if you actually have to compete or can just fun jump? :)

Think they'd suspect something if your 4 way team was all wearing shorts and T-shirts? :P

According to the USPA "Only those who competed at the 2009 USPA National Skydiving Championships at Skydive Spaceland earlier this year are eligible." :(
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DPH #3
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According to the USPA "Only those who competed at the 2009 USPA National Skydiving Championships at Skydive Spaceland earlier this year are eligible." :(

That would only be if you want the USPA "sponsorship". But the USPA can't tell people where they can or can't compete, if they want to go on their own as a private team or individual, not affiliated with the USPA.

So, how is the prize money being divided up amongst the disciplines? If I took 1st place in accuracy, for example, what would I win?

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Actually you might be wrong John since this is an FAI event the invites went out to the national organizations of each county and each national organization needs to select and send a delegation. As laid out in the rules you can only compete if you are on the national delegation. USPA just put out a notice asking for anyone interested to contact them for discussion on being on this delegation. Typically only the US National championship 4 way team will be invited to the following World FAI meet but it looks like since this is an out of cycle meet that means the USPA can select the best team from all applicants.

Most of the meet details are laid out here: http://www.emiratesaviation.org/AAA%20DUBAI%202010/BULLETIN%203.1.pdf

ACCURACY TEAM – total of $ 80.000,--

MEN / MIXED (male & female)

1st $ 20,000.--
2nd $ 15,000.--
3rd $ 10,000.--


1st $ 20,000.--
2nd $ 15,000.--
3rd $ 10,000.—

ACCURACY INDIVIDUAL – total of $ 20.000,--


1st $ 5,000.--
2nd $ 3,000.--
3rd $ 2,000.--


1st $ 5,000.--
2nd $ 3,000.--
3rd $ 2,000.--
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Contact USPA if you want to be considered for the US team.

USPA Seeks Special U.S. Team
Dubai, the largest and most populous state of the United Arab Emirates, is hosting the Dubai Parachuting Championships and Gulf Cup 2010 on the Arabian Peninsula, January 6-11. USPA is seeking competitors interested in participating as part of a special U.S. Team. The event will include men’s and women’s 4-way formation skydiving, men’s and women’s accuracy landing and canopy piloting. Only those who competed at the 2009 USPA National Skydiving Championships at Skydive Spaceland earlier this year are eligible.

In addition, USPA can name a head of delegation, team manager and team coach, although it is not necessary to fill these positions in order to compete. Competitors may participate as a competitor, as well as serve in one of the positions of leadership. There is no USPA team funding available for this event.

More information about the championships can be found at www.emiratesaviation.org. Those who are interested in participating or filling a leadership position may contact competition@uspa.org with any questions. To be considered for selection, teams and individuals must submit their names to USPA prior to December 1. Official registration is due by December 15.
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The organisation is just looking into a change of the Bulletin so more teams and individual competitors can sign up.
If you're interested, contact Barbara from the organisation: barbara@artofextreme.com. She will look after registrations for the event.

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Dear Bolas,

you can find all necessary Info on www.emiratesaviation.org
It is a Competition and and an exclusive Event Dropzone, so there will be no
FUN JUMPING allowed.
If you want to compete though, please read the Bulletin and Check the Info.
All registration Forms are online.
If you have any further questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me at
any time.

Fly Free,
Barbara Holzer
General Coordinator
Organizing Committee
Dubai Parachuting Championship
and Gulf Cup 2010

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Hey guys, it´s me, Barbara - have just seen your post... if you have questions, write me to dpc2010@eaa.ae - then i get back to you right away! :)

So as a first Info - you already have the facts here and more Info, Bulletin, Rego, Prize Money sheet etc. is on www.emiratesaviation.org. I also just created a Facebook Event "Dubai Parachuting Championship" where you can find some more pics of the landing area!!

It´s gonna be a great event we are super happy that Dubai and EAA made it possible for us (flyers) to be their guest. It is a "Competition only" site, so no fun Jumps, as we don´t have unlimited Helicopter space as you can imagine...

So i hope to see you there!! If you have questions, would be cool to write me dircetly, i cant check the forums daily. :) Have a great day everyone, fly free and long swoops

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