
Skydive Hollister - Spring Boogie - 3.20/3.21

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If you haven't been to Hollister is past six months, come join us March 20th and 21st and your first jump is on us!

Skydive Hollister's First Annual Spring Boogie will be held March 20th through 21st, next Saturday and Sunday! This is going to be a lot of fun, so don't miss out. As an added bonus, if you haven't been to Hollister in the last 6 months, since September 14th, 2009, we'll hook you up with a free Jump Ticket! In addition to some awesome organizing, we're going to have a ridiculous crazy awesome Boogie Bag, which for $30 will get you:

-A postdated Jump Ticket (for after the Boogie)

-A Tri-Tip ticket (mmmmmm BBQ)

-A red cup (for the keg)

-Great joy and a sense of fulfillment

-A Skydive Hollister T-shirt (yes, you read that right and no, you haven't seem them before and yes, they are awesome)

-Some Skydive Hollister Stickers (yes, you read that right and no, you haven't seem them before and yes, they are awesome)

-$15 slots. All day. Saturday and Sunday. For real. No fine print, no catches and no indian-giving this time.
-A Raffle Ticket!

Which brings us to Skydive Hollister's First Annual Spring Boogie Raffle-a-Thon! Everyone's best friend Peter Learmonth is going to be shaving his head for science! And by that I mean to raise money for finding a cure for children's cancer. Saturday the 20th Peter is going to be re-shaving his dome (the actual event will be this coming Tuesday) and all proceeds will go to the St. Baldrick's foundation. The prizes will be dispersed Sunday evening after Sunset load returns and the keg is tapped. There are a number of things you can do to participate!

-Donating food and clothing to Skydive Hollister's very own Poor Mexican Kids Who Watch Us Skydive In Baja will get you a couple raffle tickets

-Donating a prize to the prize pool (anything at all, from pack jobs to DVDs to coach jumps) will get you a couple raffle tickets

-Purchasing raffle tickets ($10 each) will get you, well, raffle tickets. The proceeds from these raffle tickets is what we'll be donating to St. Baldricks! So buy them!

Come on down and check the new hangar out!

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