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Hi its my first time posting, anyway Im off to california in a few months doing my AFF,IC1,FS1. Im staying out there for a while so i just wondered if anyone can reccomend somewhere either in california or florida where I can go to get some Freefly training once I have finished my course. I might as well take advantage of the good weather before heading back to the UK and get some good solid skills together.
Thanks everyone

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I hope you plan on doing lots of jumps. The average "rule of thumb" is no freeflying until you have 50-100 jumps. Differen't people have differen't ideas on that. I personally feel you need at LEAST 50. 100 would be better. Here's a good link. All it says is that you need an A License to enroll.


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Perris Valley Skydiving rocks, I am sure that you can find pretty much any kind of training you want there, it is a big DZ (#2 in the country). There is another DZ right by there Elsinore, it is pretty cool as well.

Or do you want names of specific people there?

http://www.skydiveperris.com I am pretty sure is their home page and it should lead you where you want to be...

have fun, let me know if you need more specifics.


have fun, love life, be nice to the humans

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I agree, you should be a solid belly flyer before taking up freeflying, you should at least be able to turn a 4 point 4 way. It's all about awareness.


I just think that they should wait a little and good some decent belly skills first. At 10 jumps you don't have SHIT for belly skills.

At 10 jumps you don't have SHIT for ANY skills, no awareness or skills makes freeflying extremely dangerous.

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Good bye, my friends. You are missed.

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