
The 8th Annual St. Patrick Day Celebration Boogie:March 17-20 2011:Fitzgerald,Ga.:USA

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"I am not aware of any issues in town so far."

Does the Latin club agree with this???

See you soon. I'll help you again while I'm there.
Shopping for your request now. (and for super soaker)

The Latin club is closed so there is no one to testify.

Thanks man. I forgot about that. Ready to lift a beer with you. When are you coming in?

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Thursday, hopefully just before lunch!

It's a 5 hour drive. If you're still riding with me, we will not be there before lunch. :P
She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man,
because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon

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Chris, any news on if AT&T will be working while we're there? I forgot I have pesky real estate agents I have to stay in touch with and need a working phone.
She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man,
because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon

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Chris, any news on if AT&T will be working while we're there? I forgot I have pesky real estate agents I have to stay in touch with and need a working phone.

Umm, No it will not. Sore subject. Guy from ATT set up meeting in Fitzgerald with the city,local phone company and myself. Several days before the meeting they decided they couldn't do this and never canceled the meeting. ATT sucks.

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Chris, any news on if AT&T will be working while we're there? I forgot I have pesky real estate agents I have to stay in touch with and need a working phone.

find a friend who has a cell that works at fitz and forward your cell to theirs. might have to give them a bottle of liquor but it could work

i have att and they do suck balls.
"Never grow a wishbone, where your backbone ought to be."

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Nick "GONZO" can't post @ the moment so i told him i would. He needs a ride from the New Bern area of North Carolina. IF there is anyone coming down the east coast USA anytime from the 15th after 1200 noon, please leave message here or pm him or me or DannyDan. DannyDan is going to get him home but we need to make sure he gets there in the first place. Thanks all for reading and trying to help. bluest of blueskies to ALL of us WaaHoo!

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If anyone coming down the east coast or is near the New Bern NC AREA and has room for GONZO and a small amount of gear Rig, tent, guitar (He's a MARINE, packs tight and travels light) then please help a SKYBROTHER and the rest of "The Family" out by giving Nick a ride down to Fitzgerald. I'm taKing him back i just can't get to him @ the front. His scheduled timed off IS the 15th @ noon through the 22nd @ noon WE need him there @ the bonfire along side of Rasta StroKin strings folks! ;P

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God my shiT IS slow.... ;) ThanKs Cyn! ABOUT BELL SERVICE mama, i'm on tmobile and they don't have service DIRECTLY THERE either... A few peeps know that the part two years i traveled west TEN miles to Kennedy Street for a signal. But, after speaking to a cust ser rep, they told there are a few spots closer to the site just south of the LZ! i can show you a map of the coverage area when we hook uP! ;)

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I am driving down the 17th from Raleigh, NC and would be willing to pick him up. Any way he could make it over to 95 though? New Bern is kind of out of the way with the drive being sizable as is.

Hope he packs TIGHT, moving out West and leaving directly from the boogie, so my car is going to be PACKED.

But if he can get to 95 and that works for him, he's got a ride. Let me know.

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