
The 8th Annual St. Patrick Day Celebration Boogie:March 17-20 2011:Fitzgerald,Ga.:USA

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I wanted to remind everyone a couple things about the boogie.

-Don't be the one who fucks it up for everyone else. I am very tolerant, BUT, If someone asks you to stop doing something,STOP. If you have a problem with someone else asking you to stop something, STOP anyway and come see me. If I ask you to STOP doing something Fucking STOP. Rest assured if you are doing something that will fuck this up for everyone else you will not have to guess who called the police.

-Speaking of the Police.They are aware of the party going on out there and I'm sure they will be watching the traffic going back and forth to town.Don't Drink and Drive. We have had no issues that I am aware of and they have not targeted skydivers like they did in Dublin. Lets not give them a reason to.

Just a word of alert to peeps heading to Fitzgerald. As the parties might go on into the night, if you see people there that you don't know, introduce yourself. There were some locals who showed up last year and may have been the reason that the police showed up. If they aren't "one of us" or aren't acting like they should be (ie. in the best interest of PR for roamingdz, skydiving, etc.), talk with Spence. Better to step on someone's ego than to eff it up for the rest.
SCR #14809

"our attitude is the thing most capable of keeping us safe"
(look, grab, look, grab, peel, punch, punch, arch)

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Thanks Dave. Everyone,including non-jumpers, should have an arm band on. If you see someone without an arm band they are either a jumper trying to beat the system or a local that shouldn't be there after hours.

Locals fucked up the WFFC, we had trouble with locals at Dublin. Please help me keep the after hours free of locals.

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Please help me keep the after hours free of locals.

Even if it's that blonde, petite, blue-eyed coed I've been waiting for since the first one in 1973?
My reality and yours are quite different.
I think we're all Bozos on this bus.
Falcon5232, SCS8170, SCSA353, POPS9398, DS239

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Please help me keep the after hours free of locals.

Even if it's that blonde, petite, blue-eyed coed I've been waiting for since the first one in 1973?

Don't give up Hope Andy. :D She'll show up eventually.
You can't be drunk all day if you don't start early!

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Please help me keep the after hours free of locals.

Even if it's that blonde, petite, blue-eyed coed I've been waiting for since the first one in 1973?

Don't give up Hope Andy. :D She'll show up eventually.

For some reason a dog chasing a pickup truck comes to mind. :)
I am NOT being loud.
I'm being enthusiastic!

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The Dirty Pirate Hookers are saddened by the devastation caused by the earthquake and tsunami in Japan and want to do something to help. With that being said, we know how upsetting it is to many of you to watch the boobie shot part of the initiation process (newly initiated members have to take a jello shot from a Pimp Wench's corseted cleavage) and not be able to participate yourselves. So we've decided to allow anyone to take a boobie jello shot for a donation. All funds raised will be donated to the Red Cross Japan Earthquake Pacific Tsunami relief efforts.

That's right, like Spence said, be sure to bring plenty of cash because boobie jello shots will be available for a donation until we run out! B|

You're Welcome!

Adrenaline is my crack

DPH #3
D.S. #16 FAG #12 Muff Brother #4406

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is she a dirty pirate hooker? if not one of you girls need to induct her into the sisterhood. ya'll would make a mint;)

i have on occasion been accused of pulling low . My response. Naw I wasn't low I'm just such a big guy I look closer than I really am .

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is she a dirty pirate hooker? if not one of you girls need to induct her into the sisterhood. ya'll would make a mint;)

Why do you think I have a corset on in my pic? I've been waiting for this!!!!!

Ski- I might be able to do that for ya!
I woke up next to a blowup doll Ash....so what do you think?

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OK, kids. I had to clean up some posts in this thread. Let's remember the forum rules and not post any PA's and let's play nice with each other. This is a boogie thread, it's supposed to be fun!
She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man,
because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon

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i am officially on my way now. In airline lounge 30 minutes to departure. Just 3 days ofkeeping clients happy and tying up loose ends with STF and I should be back in the air after a 15 year layoff. Second bonus is i get to meet more dz.commers after many years of post whoring!
Experienced jumper - someone who has made mistakes more often than I have and lived.

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Another day on the bike putting out fliers for tandems between Macon and Cordele. All of you tandem masters out there can thank me with good beer and liquor.

Will be packing up in the morning and getting to Fitz by late afternoon. Tents going up on Tuesday.(not too late for your own private tent) P.A. systems going in after that and then the tunes start. Then I drink beer till the people arrive.

All of the planes should be there Wed. night although Hans was talking about The Farm Otter coming Thurs. morning, not sure what was decided.

It's getting to that point in time that if you need information that you can get by not calling me that should be the plan. I also have limited internet access there so I only check e-mail and the boards about once a day.

One more thing. Call someone that you think might not be coming and invite them. A new jumper,an old jumper, someone you haven't seen at the DZ in a while.

Everyone travel safe and bring lots of beer and boobies.

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Everyone travel safe and bring lots of beer and boobies.

I'm working on bring a few skydivers with me. none of them have boobies worth looking at though:( as for the beer they sell it in fitz. and i bringing lots of cash! :P
i have on occasion been accused of pulling low . My response. Naw I wasn't low I'm just such a big guy I look closer than I really am .

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Are we on a call?
What load is in the air now?
Can I get on a 10 minute call?
Is the beer light lit?
What time do you open in the morning?
Can you hold 10 slots for us on the next load, we should all be packed in time.
Can we leave the dogs here while we jump?
Are the packers selling weed too?
Have you seen "so and so"?
Can I leave me gear here and you'll keep an eye on it?
Can we borrow your golf cart?
Will you order us some food while we're on the next load?

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