
Coach Jumps on a Boogie Weekend [Eloy]?

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Would looking to get some coach jumps in at a DZ with a boogie going on be the done thing?

I'm happy to just to get my tunnel time in and soak in the atmosphere of others jumping but getting a few jumps in myself would be awesome.

(PS I've called the DZ but only got voice mail.)

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Would looking to get some coach jumps in at a DZ with a boogie going on be the done thing?

I'm happy to just to get my tunnel time in and soak in the atmosphere of others jumping but getting a few jumps in myself would be awesome.

(PS I've called the DZ but only got voice mail.)

I know of a few coaches that were hanging out at Fitz who were open to doing coach jumps. Just gotta ask around, I'm sure you'll find someone. :)
"I may be a dirty pirate hooker...but I'm not about to go stand on the corner." iluvtofly
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Yeah, yesterday was crazy hot. The A/C in the lodge room struggled so much I drifted into a semi coma in the afternoon!

I got a great half an hour tunnel time last night with the coach but I was certainly achy this morning and with the inevitable impending heat I decided against jumping.

Instead I've gone for another half an hour of tunnel time this evening and will resume jumping next weekend at my local DZ.

Tunnel time rocks and I'm feeling much more comfortable about doing my next few coach jumps (forward/back and swooping/docking).

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