
good jumpzone in US with cheap package for 100 jumps? (and loads during week)

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just wondering if I were to focus on getting a hundred or so jumps up in one hit (take time off) where would be the best (or a good place) to go in the US to get:

- cheapest package for 100 jumps (main requirement)

I guess it would be nice at the same time that aspects of the DZ included:

- 13500' or great jumping
- busy enough to have loads going up during the week
- ideally larger planes than a Cessna 182 to jump from (but else the 182 is ok if necessary)
- doesn't have a history of getting easily weathered out

I'm having a look at http://www.jumpticketprices.com/ at the moment, which is good, but it doesn't really cover off some of the things I noted above, so thought someone who jumps a lot around the US might have some good tips.

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What that guy said. I just moved to Asia from the States and tired of just doing H&P's from a 172 that costs $49.

I'm going to Lodi hoping to do 100 jumps in 2ish weeks leaving in 2 days. $1,300 for 100 jumps or $650 for 50 jumps can't beat that. They've also got 3 or 4 different planes

15ish loads during the weekdays and around 40ish on the weekends from what I've been told.
For info regarding lift ticket prices all around the world check out

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Was that for me or the OP? Either way I agree with your statement informed decisions are always better. I knew about the "things" before I planned my trip and well aware of the situation.
I still reckon that it's better than the plane I've been jumping out of here in asia lol
For info regarding lift ticket prices all around the world check out

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Was that for me or the OP? Either way I agree with your statement informed decisions are always better. I knew about the "things" before I planned my trip and well aware of the situation.
I still reckon that it's better than the plane I've been jumping out of here in asia lol

Two potentially deadly situations, one is cheaper, so it is OK?


I wouldn't go that way, but eh, money isn't my reasoning.

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I jump there and your chances of killing yourself are way higher than dieing in an ac accident.

Haven't seen an AC fall outta the sky yet (unlike some OTHER places)


What that guy said. I just moved to Asia from the States and tired of just doing H&P's from a 172 that costs $49.

I'm going to Lodi hoping to do 100 jumps in 2ish weeks leaving in 2 days. $1,300 for 100 jumps or $650 for 50 jumps can't beat that. They've also got 3 or 4 different planes

15ish loads during the weekdays and around 40ish on the weekends from what I've been told.

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