
Dallas Super Cup-4 way competion (FS &VFS) CASH prizes!

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Dallas Super Cup
September 22

4-Way competition with Cold hard Cash as the prizes...Winners take all.

This meet is a NSL-sanctioned meet for FS competitors. For both events, there will be USPA rated judges. The meet will be run like USPA Nationals, making it an excellent training event for those headed to Eloy in October.

The Cash:
FS AAA -$1000
FS AA- $500
FS A-$300
FS Rookie- Special prize pack

VFS Open-$1000
VFS Advanced-$500

Each division requires at least two teams to compete. If there are less than two teams, the division will be merged in with another.

For more info, contact info@skydivedallas.com

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Just an FYI.... If you are a FS team and come out to compete on that SDR and want to stay and train (either complete the draw, or just train) the DZO will give you standard team rates on Sunday.

So, you can make it a weekend and train instead of driving or flying home!
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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