
June 20-23, American Boogie at SkyDance Skydiving (Davis, CA)

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Come on out to Northern California for the American Boogie at SkyDance - jump your ass off in the long June days!

There will be all kinds of great organizing, including Roger Ponce for belly flyers, Sean "Monkeyboy" Horton for wingsuiters, as well as some great freefly organizers as well. Yours truly will be organizing the ladies on WSCR jumps as well. I hear rumors there's other fun stuff in the works as well.

The boogie will have SkyDance's normal fleet of aircraft (Blackhawk Grand Caravan, PAC 750) all weekend as well as a Skyvan from Friday-Sunday. Friday night will have night jumps, so bring your strobe and glow sticks and jump till midnight! Saturday night features a great barbecue and shenanigans.

Closest airport for commercial flights would be Sacramento, followed by Oakland and San Francisco.

"There is only one basic human right, the right to do as you damn well please. And with it comes the only basic human duty, the duty to take the consequences." -P.J. O'Rourke

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More detail, direct from the DZ:

The 2013 American Boogie is just around the corner! The dates are June 20th-23rd. We will have a Skyvan, Helicopter, Blackhawk Grand Caravan, and a PAC 750XL. As usual, we will have night jumps, catered BBQ on Saturday evening, beer every night, and as much fun as you can handle! There will be vendors here, so you can demo and check out the latest gear. There will also be Freefly, RW, and Wingsuit organizing. Roger Ponce will be organizing large belly jumps. Registration is $50 and includes your BBQ meal ticket, wrist band for beer, T-shirt, and goodie bag. Contact manifest@skydance.net or call (530) 753-2651 for more information/registration.

"There is only one basic human right, the right to do as you damn well please. And with it comes the only basic human duty, the duty to take the consequences." -P.J. O'Rourke

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