
Best place to do balloon jumps in northern US?

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I heard Start Skydiving in Ohio no longer has their balloon... is this true?

I'm doing a cross country road trip in August and looking for a place to do a balloon jump. The trip is from Seattle to Boston on the I-90, but a DZ a little out of the way is okay. Any recommendations?
Skydiving is serious business

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I heard Start Skydiving in Ohio no longer has their balloon... is this true?

I'm doing a cross country road trip in August and looking for a place to do a balloon jump. The trip is from Seattle to Boston on the I-90, but a DZ a little out of the way is okay. Any recommendations?


Burner has a great balloon.. and there is nothing like having a LOT of open county to land in...

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Couch! Late August. Fort Dodge.

One of my favorite things was the morning I got up to go to the john, heard a balloon inflating and decided to check it out. I was in my jamies, and had left Streaker sleeping in the tent at Couch Freaks. The balloon crew was made up of a bunch of people I knew, so they asked me to come with them. Little did I know it was a 'cross country' and we would be out chasing the balloon all morning long. There I was running down country lanes on an Iowa Sunday morning while farmers were passing us, watching me run around in my jamies, helping to land the balloon, refill it with Skydivers and set the balloon free again!

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