
video training

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"If I could see it on video"you hear this all the time. Now I'm wondering does DZ.com have space for training video? Lets say I get a video of me during setup and landing which I could make into a 4 MB file. Then the good swoopers can make comments and delete the video. I really like the idea is it feasible?

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Should get this thread into the suggestions and feedback forum... It's a great idea and could be used for all disciplines I think... "get your knees downs more.. that's speed up your sit" or "Look at your arch! We gotta work on that arch" :)

My Karma ran over my Dogma!!!

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Feel free to use my site, http://www.skydivingmovies.com if you've got any videos you'd like to share. Just upload a text file with it containing any extra info you'd like to share. Plenty of space (right, Andy?) so no need to delete videos afterwards (unless you don't want it there permanently). I was working on a system to allow users to submit comments about each video before, but the current server doesn't support the necessary software (a SQL server and PHP enabled http server). When AndyMan gets bored of skydiving and gives it up in exchange for the exciting world of database programming, maybe we'll get that running again. But, it's probably easier to let people comment right here anyway.

Now get a webcam, laptop, and wireless internet, and maybe we'll be able to comment in real time. "...aaaaaaaaaand FLARE NOW!" :)

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