
Moving to Europe

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Hey all,

I'm a newly licensed skydiver and am getting moved to Germany this November for 3 years with my job. Anyone with experience jumping there have any tips? Any major differences from the US besides the price hike? I currently jump at fly free skydiving near St Louis, a 182 drop zone, but have jumped at midsize drop zones as well.

Also I'd been planning on holding off getting gear until I downsize, anybody have any advice for that aspect of Europe? Is it harder to find rigs ect.? Thanks!
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Gear, in Europe, is generally more expensive. Also, there isn't as much used gear going around it seems, so it may be harder to find.

Some countries (France for example) have a mandatory wing load limit for the first few 100 jumps. Not sure about Germany, but I'd check that before getting a rig.

There's some awesome DZ's out there, either sea-side, or in the mountains, so enjoy!

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Gear, in Europe, is generally more expensive. Also, there isn't as much used gear going around it seems, so it may be harder to find.

I didn't have much problems finding second-hand gear at a very reasonable price here, so I don't think it's generally harder. Just know where to look.

The Netherlands also has a mandatory maximum wingload, which is actually quite a hefty table (e.g. only at 1000+ jumps, with 100+ last 12 months, are you allowed to jump whatever you want, at whatever wingload you want)

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