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Skydiving Chicks Rock - Skydive Elsinore Oct 3 - Oct 6, 2013

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Skydive Elsinore’s 12th Annual Skydiving Chicks Rock Boogie is on the books for October 3-6. This is where all skydiving worlds collide in one epic, extravagant, exceptional weekend of education, fun, and awesomeness. Everyone will be here, and we want you to be a part of every single second of it!

Registration is $45 and scores you a sweet t-shirt, boogie bag, organizers during the entire event, ticket to our MONSTER raffle on Sunday, dinner on Saturday night, and of course, all of the legendary Chicks Rock action every night after we're done jumping. Call 951.245.9939 or swing by the office to register!

THEME: A Nightmare on Cereal Street - that's right, all things horror are a total go for costumes. Your favorite character from your favorite horror flick, zombies, ghosts, ghouls, goblins, ANYTHING GOES. Saturday night, Rigging Innovations is sponsoring a costume contest. There is a FREE CURV up for grabs for the winner. More info coming soon about the costume contest, but start catching up on your favorite scary characters.

SKILLS CAMPS! Check out the details below and email Sydney (sydney@skydiveelsinore.com) if you have questions!

-Vertical Skills Camp with Donagene Jones and Sharon Har-noy! This year we're bringing down two of the most badass ladies in the sequentials scene for the vertical skills camp. This camp runs Thursday/Friday of the boogie and costs $150, which includes your boogie registration (see deets below for what that includes), video and sweet coaching action from one of the hottest lady flyers in the freefly scene. More information available at http://bit.ly/CRvertical

-Formation Skydiving Skills Camp with JaNette Lefkowitz! SDC Rhythm XP's leading lady, JaNette, is ready to rock your belly flying world. This skills camp also runs on Thursday/Friday of the boogie and costs $150, which includes your boogie registration, video, and insane coaching from one of the top belly flyers in the country. More information available at http://bit.ly/FScampsCR2013

-Wingsuit Skills Camps! You're a wingsuiter. You want to work on those vertical transitions or docking with your fellow winged friends. We have two camps, designed for just that - one for vertical transitions, one for docking! Join us on Thursday/Friday of the boogie and get yourself some insane wingsuit coaching for the low-low price of $150, which includes your boogie registration, and video. More information available at: http://bit.ly/WScampsCR2013

-California Vertical Record Tryout with Andy Malchiodi! For those of you yearning for your moment in history with a team of badass freeflyers, this is your time to shine. Andy will be hosting a CA Vertical Record Tryout during the Thursday/Friday of the boogie. If you're wondering if you're ready to get in on this action, get in touch with Andy. This is a tryout - not a skills camp. If you're on your head and you're looking to achieve Ninja Status, get on board for Donagene's camp!


- Donagene Jones
- Sharon Har-noy
- Laura Wagner
- Paige Milligan
- Andy Malchiodi
- Damien Germano
- Andy Locke

==Formation Skydiving==
- JaNette Lefkowitz
- Tracy Bohm
- Sydney Williams
- Brian Krause
- Barry Williams
- Steve Lefkowitz

- Andreea Olea
- Douglas Spotted Eagle
- Oliver Finkelde

==Pictures & Video==
David Sands
Brian Binder

Sun Path Products, Inc
Performance Designs
LiquidSky Sports
Sky Systems USA
Rigging Innovations
Vigil AAD
Vertical Suits
Infinity Rigs
Cookie Composites
Icarus Canopies

Come join us! :)
Be yourself!

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And here's more!

Jump tickets are $25, or you can buy one of our block jump packages. It's $500 for 22 jumps or $1,000 for 46 jumps. Refer to our other note about the manifest policies to help you get on loads in a speedy fashion.


Thursday, October 3, 2013
7:30 AM: Office is open - get registered if you aren’t already!
7:45 AM: Sisters in Skydiving Yoga with Stacey
8:00 AM: Skills Camps kick off

FS Camp with JaNette and Steve Lefkowitz (intermediate and advanced camps) - $150 includes boogie registration
Vertical Skills Camp with Domi Kiger and Sharon Har-Noy - $150 includes boogie registration
Wingsuit Skills Camps with the Skydive Elsinore Wingsuit School - $150 includes boogie registration. Two different camps, wingsuit vertical transitions and wingsuit docking.

9:00 AM: Organizers available for peeps not in skills camps

FS: Sydney Williams
FF: Laura Wagner, Paige Milligan

SUNSET: Hit N Chug
7:30 PM: Dinner available for purchase from Tony
8:00 PM: Super Sweet Beer Pong Tournament with Scott Duncan and Brian Ake

Friday, October 4, 2013
7:30 AM: Office is open - get registered if you aren’t already!
7:45 AM: Sisters in Skydiving Yoga with Stacey
8:00 AM: Skills Camps kick off

Day 2 of FS Camp with Steve and JaNette
Day 2 of Vertical Skills Camp with Domi and Sharon
Day 2 of Wingsuit Camps

9:00 AM: Organizers available for peeps not in skills camps

FS: Tracy Bohm, Sydney Williams, Barry Williams, Brian Krause
FF: Laura Wagner, Paige Milligan

TBA: Helicopter loads kick off! $65/jump - must be B-license qualified (at least 50 jumps, have completed water training and the canopy control proficiency card)
SUNSET: Hit N Chug
AFTER SUNSET: Dinner available for purchase from Tony, beer flowing, LIVE MUSIC: Andy Malchiodi & Arson Academy

Saturday, October 5, 2013
7:00 AM: Office is open
7:00 AM: Sisters in Skydiving Breakfast available for purchase
7:45 AM: Sisters in Skydiving Yoga with Stacey
8:00 AM: Organizers are here!

FS Organizers

JaNette Lefkowitz
Tracy Bohm
Sydney Williams
Brian Krause
Barry WIlliams
Steve Lefkowitz
Chuck Reilly

FF Organizers

Domi Kiger
Sharon Har-Noy
Laura Wagner
Paige Milligan
Andy Malchiodi
Damien Germano
Andy Locke

Wingsuit Organizers

Andreea Olea
Douglas Spotted Eagle
Oliver Finkelde


David Sands
Brian Binder

10:00-ish AM: SkyVan is here!
SUNSET: Hit N Chug
7:30 PM: Magical Night Swoop Show - get ready!
8:30 PM: Dinner is served, make sure you have your dinner ticket!
9:00 PM: Legendary theme party in full effect. What is the theme, you ask? Nightmare on Cereal Street. Best costume wins a FREE CURV from Rigging Innovations! Photobooth action. Sweet tunes from Moo. Be there.

Sunday, October 7, 2012
7:00 AM: Office is open
7:00 AM: Sisters in Skydiving Breakfast available for purchase - We know that the party on Saturday is outrageous. That’s what breakfast is for. Let Tony’s deliciousness cure everything you’ve got going on this morning.
7:45 AM: Sisters in Skydiving Yoga with Stacey
8:00 AM: Organizers are here. Costume jumps, anyone?
1:00 PM: Silent Raffle starts - check the board to see if you won! Incredible prizes available from the manufacturers who have joined us to support this awesome occasion.
3:00 PM: Draw-till-you-win Raffle. Any unclaimed prizes from the silent raffle are up for grabs. We’ll draw till we find a winner!

More info will be added to the Facebook event page as the event develops - full on incredible times coming your way. Seriously.

ARE YOU REGISTERED YET? Call 951.245.9939 to beat the lines in the office!

Have any questions about the stuff up there? Have some pictures you'd like to share or maybe a story we should include? Email Sydney: sydney@skydiveelsinore.com
Be yourself!

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Yes. Unfortunately our dear Lisa "moooo" H. passed back in Feb 2020. She was fighting some health issues and sadly lost the fight. We miss her so much. Elsinore has been my home DZ since 2004. I was fortunate to be able to go on one of her tandems with here, and enjoy her company at many boogies. We are waiting for the present health/pandemic situation to get under control in order to go through the process of saying good bye to our dear friend, due to it happening right at the onset of covid-19. I am not on FB but have close contact with some one who is close to Lisa's next of kin and have been getting info from her. She is on FB and will most likely post info. there.


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18 hours ago, tikl68 said:

Yes. Unfortunately our dear Lisa "moooo" H. passed back in Feb 2020. She was fighting some health issues and sadly lost the fight. We miss her so much. Elsinore has been my home DZ since 2004. I was fortunate to be able to go on one of her tandems with here, and enjoy her company at many boogies. We are waiting for the present health/pandemic situation to get under control in order to go through the process of saying good bye to our dear friend, due to it happening right at the onset of covid-19. I am not on FB but have close contact with some one who is close to Lisa's next of kin and have been getting info from her. She is on FB and will most likely post info. there.


Hi Tickle, is that Tanya?

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