
DZ/tunnel near NY City?

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I'm a beginning skydiver with little experience, but I'm going on vacation to NY City this Christmas break. I was wondering if there are any good drop zones close to the city, and maybe a wind tunnel to improve myself. Are there any suggestions for this?

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Weather is super cold but a few DZ's might be willing to get their Cessna out for a few people but thats about it. Nothing really that close to the city and the nearest tunnel is the one north of Boston.
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Sky's The Limit in East Stroudsburg PA (1.5 hours from the city) will be open this coming weekend, then closed until January 11th. I don't think The Ranch (in Gardiner NY, also about 1.5 hours from the city) is jumping regularly anymore this winter, but if the weather's jumpable and there are jumpers, they might put some loads up, just give them a call. There's also Skydive Above the Poconos which is a little further from the city (never been, but I think it's about 45 minutes past STL in PA) and should be jumping all winter, weather permitting. Closest wind tunnel is in New Hampshire (I know, blows, right?) Hope this helps!

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Weather is super cold but a few DZ's might be willing to get their Cessna out for a few people but thats about it. Nothing really that close to the city and the nearest tunnel is the one north of Boston.

Crosskeys really is the place to go, I'm surprised no has mentioned this??/

: http://crosskeysskydiving.com/jump_crosskeys.php

But what do I know, "I only have one tandem jump."

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