
European Sky/Bike road Trip ( DZ Recommendations Required)

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Im currently putting together a European Motorbike road with a Friend and we are looking to base our road trip around DZ zones in Europe, I have seen the list of DZ in Europe and reviewing all currently.

Im Just looking to see if People have any "MUST JUMP" recommendations.

Summer 2015 is our goal so planning is starting early so as not to miss any thing out…

Any help or recommendation would be much appreciated.

Jean ^_^

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If you manage to be in Switzerland for the Mountain Gravity Boogie you should be there: http://www.mountaingravity.ch/

Sometimes the Pink skyvan is also flying in the Alps: http://www.pink.at/ Radfeld and Zell am See are the two DZ in the Alps for the Pink skyvan as far as i know. Both places only operate when the skyvan is there.

In Italy i would visit www.skydivefano.com/ they usually jump during the week when a group form New Zeland ist there or if we are there.
If it does not cost anything you are the product.

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