
USPA Lic Locations

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I'm new to skydiving and am trying to get my USPA class A lic. Just trying to find a good school to go to that's priced decently. I'm willing to go anywhere in Asia, i have looked in Thailand but they are $3700 including hotel and transportation. Seems like Austrailia and New Zealand have a different rating so those may be out of the question. If I cant find a better location Thailand will be the one [:/] although it is a beautiful country.

Might consider Europe as well depending on airfare, I live in Tokyo.

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New Zealand has at least 1 dropzone that offers USPA licenses.

Have you considered that it might be cheapest to simply fly to the USA and do it there?
Experienced jumper - someone who has made mistakes more often than I have and lived.

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If you travel to the US, consider Skydive East Tennessee, a USPA designated training center. We are a Cessna DZ, a C-182 and C-206.
During the off season, we operate weekends with some weekday ops depending on tandem reservations.

We are small enough to give you very personal attention and mentoring. Plus the East Tennessee area has great outdoor opportunities for non-jumping day. Also a days drive from Florida if your state

side visit coincides with a hurricane event should you need to flee that non-jumpable weather.
Happy to answer any questions from you.

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I have considered it but i would rather go somewhere else that I may not get to go later in my life. I don't plan on going to the states for another year or so.

Do you happen to know of the name? Every place i have searched offers a lic but it is a different rating.

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I understand your strategy for wanting to visit places that might not be possible later in life.

Sorry, but I don't fully understand your question, " Do you happen to know of the name? Every place i have searched offers a lic but it is a different rating. "

This might help, go to www.USPA.org. Then look for a list of the foreign drop zones that are affiliated USPA skydiving centers. To have that distinction the drop zone is required to have USPA rated instructors working in staff positions. If so then a USPA rated instructor can sign off the A License progression card. You will find the A License card in the Skydivers Information Manual (SIM) also available on line at the USPA website.
Good luck and happy jumping.
USPA AFF & S/L Instructor
Skydive East Tennessee

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That's just the price you'll pay for living in Asia. I'm in HK and did my A in Thailand... Once you have your license it definitely opens up jumping on work trips etc...

From Japan, it is probably cheaper to get a flight to SFO and go to Lodi to do your A, then you can go fun jump in Thailand!

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