Skydive Varadero, Cuba

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Thank you; I sent a email on monday and recieved a response...
-30 CUC/jump $25 rentals
-Wingsuit Allowed
-Bring License and log book
-If your brining gear, bring reserve card, AAD etc.. Standard DZ check-in
First landing at DZ but If you demostrate strong canopy skills then you may land at your resort beach.
It seems checked out. I was a little worried about a "tandem mill" but this dropzone did host a competition last year.
Check your ego at the door. Stay humble.

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I think they have a choppa; all year!

Very Friendly staff, open mined and highly proficent!
If you plan to visit.. Bring old skydiving gear to share such as wingsuits, containers, parachutes, pilot chutes, d-bags and even basic needs like stow elastics and closing loops- Anything skydive related.

From the helicopter...First jump at DZ and remaining jumps on the beach!
Only 4-6 tandem loads a day but lots of room for skydivers!

Enjoy the journey B|
Check your ego at the door. Stay humble.

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