
Newbies for Aerograd DZ - Summer 2016

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Hi all!

For years skydiving is on the top of my bucket list and hopefully it won't be a only one-time thing but life-long sport.

I'm sure it would be a great and unforgetable experience, I can't stop thinking about it, watching videos, reading articles like crazy.. even at work!

I plan to visit Aerograd DZ, Russia in next summer(2016) for 1 week to do my first jump, AFF and in the remaining time, jump as I many as I can. The exact date may change due to my work related issues but we can arrange that together.

Anyone that wants to tag along and share the experience is welcome! Just send a PM or mail to ugurorhon@yahoo.com

Take care!

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Hi guys,

I received a couple of feedbacks about Aerograd DZ and one of them was a little bit negative which made me think again.

It was about Aerograd is not the DZ it used to be because of the military trainings. I received information about the total number of jumps per day decreased dramatically and maybe more importantly, I guess military being there can ruin the whole atmosphere around the DZ.

Any recent experiences related to this subject?


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It's bullshit. Yep, there are some military trainee on the DZ, but they jump from their own aircraft and DZ operates as usual.

We've jumped there last season, there's no problem to make as much jump as you can. No any single problem from that military guys, it's even funny to watch them.

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It's bullshit. Yep, there are some military trainee on the DZ, but they jump from their own aircraft and DZ operates as usual.

We've jumped there last season, there's no problem to make as much jump as you can. No any single problem from that military guys, it's even funny to watch them.

Sorry , but your response is entirely misleading ie BULLSHIT,

Aerograd is no longer the place to go and bang out 10 jumps a day in the summer (as was the case for many years). I used to reckon on 20 jump weekends in the summer if the weather was ok. Last time I was there I got 3 jumps. Mainly because of the military. Many of the fun jumpers have gone to other DZs, partly as a result of the military operations having a HUGE impact on the ability to jump, and partly because of the totally different vibe caused by a load of military types on the DZ training for jumping in full kit with weapons etc.

I'm NOT totally useless... I can be used as a bad example

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We did up to 10 jumps a day right this summer and fall. Usually less than 10 because need some time to have lunch, video, set up the next jumps and so on. But 10 was pretty possible. And if there is a DZ near Moscow where's possible to jump more than in Aerograd, tell me where.

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Hey there, you have a pretty good choice in Russia: Kolomna, Skycenter, Vatulino, Krutytci. Believe me Kolomna is not so military to prevent your intensive training. I usually jump in Skycenter- it is absolutely not military and closer to Freezone windtunnel where you can prove your skills.
The only problem Skycenter doesn't have an English version of the website.

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