
Unnecessary Risk...

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Nice article.....I know someone that needs to read it since he feels that at 300 and some jumps he now HAS to jump a sub 100 HP canopy. My DZO said "Not at my Dropzone you're not" So....now he goes to another DZ. I'm just waiting to hear of his death.
"Here I come to save the BOOBIES!"

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i'm 43, made my first jump when i was 40. i will outlive this individual. too many times peolple take jump numbers for granted. don't mean jack. the sport is a very dangerous sport, and by now 99.9% of the fatalities come from an individual under a "good canopy" i wish the competitors luck, but keep life flight on call. it's a matter of time before our beloved sport is no longer "self governed" you think you have a dissagreement or two with USPA? it CAN get worse. training, awareness of other's future in the sport will hopefull cause these individuals to reconsider their juvenile antics. my son repels out of blackhawk helicopters, i've seen him do it, but he's safe, i know that because i raised him, it's "between the ears" for him, thank god!
"Gravity Is My Friend"

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And the scary thing is that that was written in 1996. You think by now we'd have learned. Still, every week or so I hear someone asking "So I jump a Stiletto 135 now, do I do a two stage flare or something?" Which makes about as much sense as flying a plane without knowing what the flaps do.
-bill von

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