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Wouldn't doubt it!

Of course back THEN...

Most skydivers WERE military..or Ex. anyway!! B|

Gotta love the draft:(When we got out my two roomies & I were all vets, Navy, Airforce, Army, We'd P.U. the Pilot on the way to the DZ and have a hard core friend meet us at he DZ.First Cessna load most of the time.

There was also a guy jumping with us who had been in the marines. Of course he still polished his boots so once a marine always a marine is true:)

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I've been hearing HHFH, I think since the 70's. What I heard about the origin, was that at the Z-Hills 8-way Turkey meet, someone bounced. The next morning, another team came up and said that they would like to sing him a hymn. They then did the HHFH. His teammates reported said "he woulda liked that."

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Interesting thread, I'd wondered about it myself...out at skydive Pepperell there is a variant on that sung to the tune of that camptown ladies tune I can't identify precisely, something like
"(insert name here) takes it up the butt, doo dah, doo dah,
xxxx takes it up the butt all the doo dah day!
All the doo dah day! all the doo dah day!
xxxx takes it up the butt, all the doo dah day. HEY!
Him! Him! Fuck him! (or her)
Live and learn... or die, and teach by example.

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No idea where it came from but Damnit, I cheer in whenI hear it..

HIM (her), HIM (her), F*CK HIM (her)!!!!!

As long as I can remember its been yelled out for some acomplishment!!!

Scott C
"He who Hesitates Shall Inherit the Earth!"

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The first time I ever heard HIM was in 1968, A friend of mine explained to me it was from the Airborne Mess halls in Fort Bragg N.C. in1964 and sooner . If you did something profoundly stupid and expected sympathy like hooking up a canopy backwards etc etc. .The whole 1500 to 2000 guys there would show you how they felt. He said the first HIM took about 5 seconds all in harmony the second the same, then the rest like we do now. It wasn't a speed contest By the way it was all round canopies then and actually possible to do. Delta 2 and Paradactyl were noted for it as you pack it nose right or left not down.

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A few years ago, a group of us sang the "HIM" in the middle of Houston Intercontinental Airport at the top of our lungs. A good CRW buddy of ours, Mark, was heading off the to the middle east for a job. As he was about to enter the gate, we started with our usual warning hum - a long humming "HIMmmmmmmmmm." We got a lot more smiles than frowns from the "audience." :) He was actually crying as he entered the gate!
I'm back in the USA!!

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