
How long has your dz been around?

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Kansas State Univ Parachute club has been jumping since the mid-60s...rumor has it that we are the oldest colligiate club in the US as well as the only colligiate dz to own and operate our own plane, a 182

Here's to the Breezes that blows through the Trezzez.....

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Orange DZ (now Jumptown) was in fact started by the first company, Parachutes Incorporated but they had an earlier DZ at Batch Pond's Good Hill Farm in CT. I believe thought that SKYLARK AVIATION at Lake Elsinore started jumping in 1957.


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If the Liberal Party wins the election on Saturday you may be required to wear ties again!!! :-)

By the way, we in the Green Party are trying to stop that freeway that's going to wipe Pakenham DZ out!

candidate for Narre Warren South/GREENS

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I had to go back into my records to check on this.
Skylark Aviation took over the jump operations in 1959 but there had been jumping there since 1957. I would love to know more about this operation for my website.

Parachutes incorporated Operated The Goodhill DZ in 1958 and signed a lease with the cxity of Orange in FEB 1959 and opened the DZ on May 2, 1959.

Elsinore to the best of my knowledge has never ceased operations since 1959 (could be wrong) but the history of it between 57 and 59 is very cloudy.

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"Elsinore to the best of my knowledge has never ceased operations since 1959 (could be wrong) "

Well, there were times when the lake flooded the DZ and the operation moved elsewhere. I was there once and jumped down the road a piece.
Do floods interrupt "continuous operation."


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Your quite correct about that. First time I was there in 68 the Lake had risen to the end of the runway and the pea pit was under water. But they were still jumping there. They had a couple of Howards which is a strange plane to jump.

Considering the unique situation to that DZ I don't think you could fault them for moving down the road a bit.

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Our little skydiving club has been in operation since 1976. Prairie Skymasters Parachute Club Inc. of Saskatoon, Saskatchewan Canada.

"No tyranny is so irksome as petty tyranny: the officious demands of policemen, government clerks, and electromechanical gadgets." - Edward Abbey

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If they were strange to jump, they were even
stranger to put a static line student out of.
The student had to hold on to the strut and
climb two a two-step "ladder" before letting
Another weird one was the Stinson MULE they had at Perris in early 70. They actually had the seats still installed and you had to "get up" to get in the door. Last jump I made at Perris was 22 Feb 70 (from the MULE) and also the last jump I ever made on my yellow C-8 with the Hustler cut in it. It had patches all over from Viet Nam and I retired it in favor of my brand new(ish) white C-8 Hustler that Lyle Cameron sold me for $20 new surplus.

Getting out of the Mule was a bear (a 4-way ended up as a 4 man individual sequential) but the landing was quite soft for the old yellow girl.

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Taft has an unsong past that should b explored. It was home to many of the greats from the 60's including Bill and Mirriel Simbro (spelling??) I made my 100th jump there when the DZ was in that bowl used by the oil tanks. I landed on a cactus!!


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Kansas State Univ Parachute club has been jumping since the mid-60s...rumor has it that we are the oldest colligiate club in the US as well as the only colligiate dz to own and operate our own plane, a 182

Our collegiant club started in the 50's (The Silvertip Skydivers in Missoula, Mt.). I've got the exact date on a boogie T-shirt that I can't seem to find. I think it was 1958. We also owned our own plane, a 180, until someone crashed it during the 70's. The club is still in operation, but has moved to Stevensville. It is still considered a collegiant club yet both 206 aircraft are privately owned now. Steve1

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I think I heard of this "Shorty" guy...
Didn't he jump with some WORLD FAMOUS parachute demo team?
In fact I once heard a story about him being carried into a bar at OshKosh dressed as Elmo...some big polish guy carried him in, then had back surgery...
"It's a small world after all!"

~ If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? ~

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Pitt Meadows has had a DZ on and off since the 1960s. I must get Don Richardson to write down his recollections of flying jumpers back in teh 1960s.
For many years they took off from Pitt Meadows Airport, but landed on the polders north of town, until Semi-Ah-Mo golf course took over the unltra-light field they landed on.
When I moved to Pitt Meadows in 1999, we jumped on Pitt Meadows Airport from a Beech 18 and a fleet of Cessnas. A couple of years later the Beech 18 was sold to some Oregon jumpers and replaced by a Beech King Air. with the same number of seats (14) but half the time to altitude. During the last four years, we have added a couple of student rigs and a dozen tandems.
In 2002 we helped Dunville, Ontaio get its start, but that is a whole other story.

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When I moved to Vancouver in 1990, Pacific Skydivers was actually taking off from the ultra-light strip. I loved jumping there. The rides to altitude were wonderful...usually followed one ridge of mountains to the north and another south before turning onto jumprun. When they had to stop taking off and landing there and started using the Pitt Meadows airport but landing back at the old dz I quit jumping there as I hated the car ferrying back to the dz.
Flannie had an old house trailer that they used for manifest that they burned in a dz closing party...I missed it due to exams but it sounded like a ton of fun!
I think that for a while they also operated out of the Municipal airport at Blaine, WA. I jumped down there once when I was out in Vancouver for some reason or another.

"No tyranny is so irksome as petty tyranny: the officious demands of policemen, government clerks, and electromechanical gadgets." - Edward Abbey

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***I think I heard of this "Shorty" guy...
Didn't he jump with some WORLD FAMOUS parachute demo team?
In fact I once heard a story about him being carried into a bar at OshKosh dressed as Elmo...some big polish guy carried him in, then had back surgery...

The big Polish guy may have thought he was "world famous", but the strippers knew better.

Skydive Radio

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Air Adventures West,Taft Ca. Early 60s.Dont know the exact year

That was taken from the website and its apparently not right so........SCRATCH THAT.Replace it with,"I dont know"[:/]


The Dude Abides.

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